Saturday 12 June 2010

Space Wannabiez


Today started... not so good XD Stamped on my chafed foot this morning.. I happen to tare apart some skin with my nail... the shortest nail I got XD Sorede.. Ma.. I guess that's all what happened this morning :P Ite!

Demo.. It got better ^^ See.. I went shopping today. Since my story is finished and bla bla bla.. And I got plenty of new items ^^ Really good! Sorede...... I bought my camera! I haven't tried it yet.. No batteries -.- But I'm charging them right now ^^ Tomorrow I'll take some test photographies and then I'll see how it is ^^ Demo.. You'll have to wait before you see photographs from me. Sumimasen. Meow.. Now I'm pretty tired! Running in the city in search for things -.- really tiring.. And I forgot to buy something >< Really frustrating.. Have to take that some other time.

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