Friday 4 June 2010

It's a wonderful wonderholic

Hi! What's everyine doing XD?

Well.. This blog is about me so.. You have to shut up with your own important things and listen/read to my shit right now :P You don't have to! You know there's a button right on top where you can click to the next blog if you want :P But if you stay then I can provide wth cookies and a great story ^^

Ok! To cut the small stuff and go to the thing I actually want to say :P Right now I'm listening to some old songs from Buck-Tick ^^ Some songs I haven't heard yet, they're really great o.o You should listen to it if you like crazy music and japanese ;P I like his voice o.o It's really... different XD But I like how he pronounce the words, even in english! Like Secret Reaction! "Sekureto reakuchion" XD I really love listen to their music.. Thank God I started watching Trinity Blood o.o (That's how I discovered them ^^)

I try to remember how I discovered every band, but.. I don't remember a bunch of them o.o I think I only know Buck-Tick.. And Diru of course.. The first japanese band I listened to :P Thanks to Anette! So.. Thank you for being my friend so that I discovered all the japanese stuff XD Really greatful here! ... But I guess you aren't as greateful as I am :P Oh well! I don't give a crap about that XD I want to remember how I discovered SuG o.o And LM.C!! My favoritou band and I don't know how I discovered them! That's really frustrating >< But I remember most of the first songs I heard with the different bands.. I can make a list of them if you want XD .... *not hearing any protesting* OK! Then I do that ^^

LM.C - Oh my Juliet
Buck-Tick - Dress
SuG - Vi Vi Vi
Dir en Grey - Raison D'etre
Dolly - Nejimaki Shiki Taruto
Exist Trace - Maboroshii mado no kurayami no naka de
Gackt - Redemtion(Also Anettes fault I started to listen to them ;P)
Gazette - Toguro(Remember Anette XD?)
Jun - Atomic Smile
Phantasmagoria - Fairy times Memory
Kanon Wakeshima - Still Doll(Thanks to Vampire Knights)
Kaya - Walkure(There was this site where someone had that on their page)
Merry - Peep Show(I think there was this.. I saw their album in the store and I said to mother I wanted it for birthday present, hadn't heard them or anything.. just wanted their album XD)
On-Off - Ikusen no Nemuri no Hate(Again Vampire Knights XD)
Rentrer En Soi - Protoplasm
Tokomo Tane - Broken Wings(from Trinity blood again XD)
Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood(Don't listen to them anymore but a friend from school tipped me about them :P)

Well.. That's all I remember :P That is really fun to remember such a thing. I know that my friends thinks that I've got a really good memory XD

But.. Actually... That wasn't at all what I was going to say XD What I was going to say is that.. I'm writing a story. And I took a break before on writing it because I was really stressed out about it and I can't handle stress because then I shut down(probably that's why I failed school)but now I've started again and I'm translating the text ^^ I'm swedish so I've wrote it first on swedish but I'm translating it to english. The swedish version is complete ^^ So I'm really happy about that! But I haven't post the swedish version completely on the web yet. I'm doing it chapter by chapter. Like.. I'm posting the swedish version first in one chapter then I post the english version ^^ You get it? Well.. Since I took a pause there had been one chapter more on the swedish version. But I'm trying to fix that so the scale is even :P Only two more chapters to translate and post! Yay! But the story isn't so long, about.. 26 pages.. And I'm not sure that I like it. The characters got too feminine I think.. But I'm going to write a following to this one and I'm hoping that it will turn out better than the first edition. I'm going to add a lot that was missing from the first edition. I don't like that there's many loopholes in it. It's a lot missing from it. And I'm going to read it over and over again so that I can get as much as possible to the following edition ^^ Yeah.. So.. Hoping that the other one will turn out better..... And I must disappoint you guys but.. I can't post the other edition on the internet. To prevent stealing. So look out for it in your bookstore ok? :P

*sigh*... Was that all I had to say? I hope so because it turned out to be a lot o.O Well, maybe I'm just in one of those moods ^^ Urgh... I feel hungry o.O Maybe I eat much candy ^^ And this was a good song too.. Like the music.. Buck-Tick - Castle in the Air.. This songs are from 1988 XD It's really fun listning at.. And I REALLY need to stop talking right -.-? Oh! Sorry.. Writing.. Well! Bye for now! Gonna continue translating now! See ya next time!

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