Tuesday 22 June 2010


I feel like writing(sitting in the job) Like.. A novel or something.. But I've never written a novel before. Can't hold it down to just 1 page o.o It's impossible for me.. I end up writing 24 pages.. Meow.. Oh well.. I also feel like writing something in japanese. Just because it's such a beautiful languege.. But.. It feels like no one would reed that one then XD Because they don't understand the text(I will not write it in Kanji just Romanji) so... Yeah.. It's just what I feel like doing right now. Write! So.. You know I would really fit for the author job right XD? All I want to do is write! I love writing, and putting me in another ones shoes and just.. Be whoever I want. I can be like Thane or if I want to be the Lord I be the Lord XD I have magic powers, so powerful that I can change the world ^^ Meow.. It's so wonderful to write.. I was thinking on putting just a small story on my blog here, but.. I don't know.. Would you like to read it? Mah! I want to write! Something about murder, something mysterious, SOMETHING!!!

You see how I become when I have a yearning to write, the languege is diffirent, the... doesn't the english languege have a word for "meningsuppbyggnad"? I like to use that word here and now. Yeah, that's what I want to do. That word would fit so perfectly in this.. Meow..

Soon there's Mayas birthday! Starting to think what I'm gonna do that day.. I think I'll be working but when I get home I will buy a cake and then watch "works" and videos with LM.C.. got to see Ghost Heart again. I've forgotten it o.o!! And it was a cool video, how the hell could I've forgotten it?! I've forgotten Punky Heart as well.. I have to look over it on Mayas birthday.. And I'm gonna go around with my.. Oh what's it called? you know this VIP pass they have on the concert? Well, it's like those but with pictures of Maya and LM.C. I'm gonna go around with those and I'm going to have my LM.C t-shirt and.. Yeah XD Just to say Happy birthday Maya ^^ Think I'm going to send a mail to their MySpace page also. (i got really sad when I looked over their MySpace page.. Like.. On their comments, everyone says "I love Maya!" And none for Aiji o.o Like, he's the one that writes in the blog.. He is the one edditing and everything like that! I mean.. What? Everyone loves Maya(Don't get me wrong I do it as well because he is so cute!) But still.. I feel sorry for Aiji XD I'm going to finish my drawing of him and then show to it to him so that he'll be little happy too ^^ He deserves it for all he has done and he is good at playing guitar o.o He really is!!! Can't imagine what it will be like if he quit LM.C and Maya had to get another guitarist.. like.. NO!! Aiji can't do that! LM.C is Maya and Aiji! No one else.......... except Denki XD)

Wow.. So many things about LM.C o.O Hmm.. *listening to Time wrap Real* This is song is SO good! like.. SHIVER!

Bye for now! ^^


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