Friday 18 June 2010

In my Dream

OK! I had a really, REALLY weird dream last night.. I want my Luts to come, the one I ordered.. So I dreamt about that.......

A weird big man had taken my Luts doll, like.. If it was in the mail and he the mailman he wouldn't give me my mail, you know? Well.. The light in this dream is as dark as a Tim Burton movie, but the theme is like.. Starwars combined with Alice in wonderland and Small soldiers.
I had friends and it was a girl that also worked at the "post office" (Just calling it that so you would understand) and who thought that what the man did was wrong. So she would help me get my Luts doll. The "post office" had like little soldiers who garded the mail and the orders, they looked like Pokémon and was as tall as the figures in "Small soldiers" but they looked like bies, and they could fly and everything.. And the "post office" had little ships that was flying around, you know like the one's in Starwars, ehum.. And the weapons is like in Starwars too.
So.. The dream begins with the soldiers from the "post office" have found our hideout and was starting to go to attack. I and my "post office" friend was about to get into the "post office" to take back my Luts doll. So when the bie-figures starts to shoot at us and we jump out from the hideout and get to the "post office" (Oh! And we're as tiny as the bie-figures.. but a little smaller, that's were "Alice in wonderland" comes to fit, because we have shrinked ourselves to get into the "post office", really stupid actually) But we get to the "post office" and as soon as we walk through the main entrence(the only entrence and it's a big whole, the enviorment reminds of Matrix in the reality world, not in the Matrix) all the soldiers and ships starts to shoot at us, but somehow we manage to pull through and I think my friend stayed back to handle the soldiers and I continue running. But nothing looks like a post office, looks more like a working shop where they make dolls. And my mind goes totally normal, like.. I'm not in a mission and I'm not hunted.. I flirt with a really cute boy who just stares at me and probably wonders "What the hell?" and when I saw that machines painted eyes on dolls head I wanted to paint too.. But after I thought that I got back to my massion and looked for my doll. And when I start throwing away Barbie dolls my friend comes back(and at this part we're bigger for some reason) and we starts to look in every drawer that we find. But then the man comes back from... probably the hideout destructuion, and just looks at us before he says "You will not find that doll." I became scared at this point like, Wow! That's him, we're SO screwed! But my friend talkes back at him saying that it is wrong to hold back my doll and he answeres: "Well, she didn't had to stand in the rain for half a year!" And then I wake up.

REALLY weird, psycho dream! And before I woke up I wondered why did the soldiers ignore us once we were searching for the doll in the drawers... And what did he mean when he said: "stand in the rain for half a year"? I have no idea -.-

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