Tuesday, 28 December 2010

LM.C Chat Show #25?

There's only one week left!! o.o Everything is suppose to be done this satturday!!

I was watching all of LM.Cs Chat Show today while working ^^ It's really nice to hear their voices when they're not singing XD But.. I've been searching on youtube on Chat Show and... I can't find anymore after Chat Show #24... Is there a Chat Show #25 or have you stopped making these o.o? In that case that's really sad >< I wanna see more Chat show! That's the funniest thing XD I've watched it.... I don't know how many times o.o But it's a lot! From your first till 24! Every single one a hundred times XD

I see them whenever either of you has a birthday. Then I watch every LM.C clip I can find and listen to the music and just being a complete nerd about it XD Yay! But I love you LM.C o.o I guess that's not a secret :P Eto... But I really want to watch more Chat Show! Even if I don't everything you're saying it's still fun to watch ^^


Friday, 24 December 2010

Mickey's Christmas Carol In Swedish!

Since it is Christmas in Sweden today I can give you this: It is the orignal lines from Mickeys Christmas Carol.. In Swedish! So... Merry Christmas Sweden ^^

Musse Piggs julsaga


I rollerna:

Mr. Scrooge: Joakim von Anka

Mr. Krutchet: Musse Pigg

Mr. Thred: Kalle Anka

Isabelle: Kajsa Anka

Jacob Marley: Janne Långben

Ande 1: Benjamin syrsa!

Ande 2: Jätten från "Jack och Bönskälken"

Ande 3: Petter


Tiggare: Snälla skänk en slant till de fattiga.

Mr. Scrooge: Bäh!


Mr. Scrooge: Min gode kompanjon Jacob Marley som dog idag för sju år sen. Han var bra han. Han stal från änkorna och lurade de fattiga. Han lät mig ärva så det skulle räcka till en gravsten! Och jag begravde honom till sjöss! *går in genom dörren till sitt kontor*

Mr. Krutchet: Oh! God morgon, Mr. Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Krutchet! Vad gör du med den där kolbiten?

Mr. Krutchet: Eh, jag försökte bara tina upp bläcket.

Mr. Scrooge: Huh! Du tog en bit till förra veckan! Och låt det inte bli några mer förseningar! Gå tillbaks till arbetet!

Mr. Krutchet: På tal om arbete, Mr Scrooge... imorgon är det faktiskt jul och jag undrar om jag kunde få ledigt en halv dag.

Mr. Scrooge: Jul? Äh! Hmm... Jag förstår nog. Men jag drar av en halv dags lön! Få se nu... Jag ger dig £2 om dan!

Mr. Krutchet: Eh! £2 och en halv, sir!

Mr. Scrooge: Javisst jah! Jag gav dig påökt förra veckan!

Mr. Krutchet: Ja, sir! För jag tog hand om er tvätt!

Mr. Scrooge: Ja, ja! Sätt igång och arbeta nu Krutchet! Oh! Och här är en säck med tvätt åt dig också!

Mr: Krutchet: Tack, sir!

Mr: Scrooge: Få se nu... 50 pund och £10 för McDuff! Plus 80% i ränta! Per dag förstås! Haha! Pengar, pengar, pengar!

Mr. Thred: *kommer in genom dörren* God jul på er!

Mr. Krutchet: Och God jul till dig med, Mr. Thred!

Mr. Scrooge: Äh! Humbug!

Mr. Thred: God jul, fabror Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Och vad är det som är gott med den?! Jag ska säga er vad julen är för något! Det är en helt vanlig arbetsdag och den lymmel som säger något annat har sagt sin sista potatis!

Mr. Krutchet: Men sir! Julen är gåvornas högtid! En tid när man ska vara med sin familj,

Mr. Scrooge: Jag säger: Bäh! Bluff!

Mr. Thred: Det struntar jag i! Jag säger ändå god jul! Goooood Jul!!

Mr. Krutchet: Bravo, Mr. Thred! *klappar händerna*

Mr. Scrooge: Krutchet! Vad gör du?!

Mr. Krutchet: Eh... Jag försökte bara värma händerna, sir!

Mr. Scrooge: Hmm.. Och vad gör du här då?!

Mr. Thred: Jag kom för att ge dig en krans och bjuda dig till vår julmiddag!

Mr. Scrooge: Jaha? Blir det stekt gås med kastanjfyllning?

Mr. Thred: Ja!

Mr. Scrooge: Och blodpudding med citronsås?

Mr. Thed: Ja! Oboy, oboy!

Mr. Scrooge: Och kaderand frukt med sockerkaka?!

Mr. Thred: Ja! Ni kommer väl?

Mr. Scrooge: Är du tokig pojk?! Du vet att jag inte kan äta sånt! Här har du din krans! Och ut! Ut, ut, UT!! *kastar ut Thred och smäller igen dörren* Bäh! Humbug!

Mr. Thred: *öppnar dörren igen* Ha en riktigt god jul! *slänger kransen på dörrhandtaget och stänger igen dörren igen*

Mr. Scrooge: Och god humbug på dig med!

Mr. Krutchet: Hah! Den där Thred! Han är alltid så glad!

Mr. Scrooge: Ja... Han har alltid varit lite konstig.

*dörren öppnas igen*

Mr. Scrooge: Och envis!

*två personer tittar fram*

Mr. Scrooge: Aha! Heh, kunder, kunder! Jag tar hand om det här Krutchet! Och med vad kan jag stå till tjänst?

Tiggare 1: Sir, vi har en samling för behövande och nödlidande.

Mr. Scrooge: Va?

Tiggare 2: Vi samlar till de fattiga.

Mr. Scrooge: Oh! Men om ni ger pengar till de fattiga så är de inte fattiga längre!

Tiggare 2: Ja men!

Mr. Scrooge: Och om de inte är fattiga så behöver ni inte samla in pengar mer!

Tiggare 1: Jo, jag antar...

Mr. Scrooge: Och om ni inte behöver samla in mer pengar så har ni inte längre något arbete! *visar de ut ur dörren* Åh, snälla! Tvinga mig inte göra er arbetslösa! Inte på självaste julafton!

Tiggare 1: Oh! Det skulle vi aldrig!

Mr. Scrooge: Då så! Ge de fattiga den här då! *kastar kransen på dem* Och försvinn! *suckar* Hur ska det gå med den här världen? Man arbetar hela livet för att tjäna pengar och sen vill folk att man ska skänka bort dem!


*klockan ringer för kväll och Krutchet gör sig redo för att gå hem*

Mr. Scrooge: Hmm.. Två minuter före.

*Krutchet hoppar genast tillbaka till arbetet tills Scrooge säger att han kan gå*

Mr. Scrooge: Jaja! Vi kan strunta i de två minuterna! Du kan gå nu!

Mr. Krutchet: Åh! Tack sir! Ni är så snäll!

Mr. Scrooge: Prata inte så mycket strunt! Gå bara! Men kom desto tidigare nästa dag!

Mr. Krutchet: Det ska jag! Och ha en god humbug! Hehe.. Jag menar: God jul på er, sir! *går ut genom dörren*

Mr. Scrooge: Bäh!


*Scrooge är på väg hem efter en lång arbetsdag. När han kommer fram till dörren, väl hemma märker han att dörrknackaren ändrat form*

Marley: Scrooooge...

Mr. Scrooge: Jacob Marley? Nä! Det är inte sant! *trycker på Marley's nos*

Marley: Aj!

*Scrooge skyndar sig genom dörren för att sedan smälla igen den*

Marley: Oh, kors!

Mr. Scrooge: Äh! *förnekar det han nyss sett men när han känner sig förföljd vänder han sig om i trappen, men ingenting där. Han vänder sig om en andra gång och återigen ingen där. När han sedanvänder sig för att gå upp för trappen igen så lyfter någon upp hans hatt och när han tar käppen för att känna av ifall någon är där hör han ett glatt skratt. Han rusar uppför trappan, låser alla lås som han har lagt fram men när han känner tunga knackningar mot dörren gömmer han sig i fotöljen*

Marley: Ebenezer Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Ge dig iväg!

Marley: Ebenezer Scrooge! *snubblar på käppen som vårdslöst kastats på golvet och faller omkull* Oj, kors! Lite halt! *ser på Scrooge som gömmer sig under hatten i fåtöljen* Scrooge, känner du inte igen mig? Jag var ju din kompanjon,!

Mr. Scrooge: Jacob Marley? Det är du! *försöker trycka på hans nos igen men Marley väjer undan*

Marley: Ebenezer! Kommer du ihåg när jag stal från änkorna och lurade de fattiga?

Mr. Scrooge: Japp! Och allt på samma dag! Du var i fin form då.

Marley: Hehe, ja! Oh, nej! Nej! Jag hade fel! Och som straff är jag tvungen att bära dessa tunga kedjor i all evighet! Kanske.. längre än så? Det finns inget hopp. Jag är dömd! Dömd! Och det kommer hända dig med, Ebeniser Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Nej! Det får inte bli så! Snälla, hjälp mig, Marley!

Marley: Inatt kommer ni hemsökas av tre andar! Lyssna på dem! Gör som de säger! Annars kommer dina kedjor bli tyngre än mina! Farväl, Ebenezer Scrooge! Farväl, Ebenezer Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Marley! Akta det första trapp... *hör Marley genom dörren när han faller ner för trappan*


*Scrooge är på väg att gå och lägga sig men genomsöker först sitt rum efter de där andarna som hans avlidna kompanjon hade pratat om, men när han inte hittar något bestämmer han sig för att sova*

Mr. Scrooge: Andar, huh! Humbug! *somnar med höga snarkningar och vaknar igen när han hör sin klocka ringa bara någon sekund efter att han somnat* Vad, va?

Ande 1: Det var på tiden! Vi har inte hela natten på oss!

Mr. Scrooge: Vem... vem är du?

Ande 1: Vem jag? Hehe! Jag är den förflutna julens ande.

Mr. Scrooge: Åh! Jag trodde du skulle vara större.

Ande 1: Huh! Om längden var anpassad efter vänlighet så skulle du inte vara större än ett dammkorn!

Mr. Scrooge: Med vänlighet kommer man inte långt här i världen. *lägger sig ner igen och försöker sova*

Ande 1: Så tyckte du inte förr! Du, Scrooge! Det är dags att gå nu!

Mr. Scrooge: Gå då!

*anden öppnar fönstret och en kall vind sveper in*

Mr. Scrooge: Ande! Vad gör du?!

Ande 1: Vi ska besöka ditt förflutna!

Mr. Scrooge: Va? Jag kan inte gå ut! Jag kommer ju och falla!

Ande 1: Bara håll fast i mig! Oh! Inte för hårt nu!

*anden tar med Mr. Scrooge ut på en flygtur ut genom fönstret men Scrooge verkar mest rädd för den plötsliga höga höjden*

Ande 1: Vad är det, Scrooge? Jag trodde du tyckte om att se ner på världen.

Mr. Scrooge: Ande! Jag tror att jag börjar känna igen mig! Jo! Det är ju hos Fazzywigs! Jag kunde inte arbeta för en snällare man! Där är ju gamle Fazzywigs! Och alla mina käraste vänner! Och den blyge pojken i hörnet! Det är jag!

Ande 1: Ja! Det var innan du blev en girig snåljop!

Mr. Scrooge: Tja, ingen är perfekt! Och där! Där är den vackra Isabelle!

Isabelle: *går fram till pojken Scrooge* Ebenezer! Ebenezer!

Unga Scrooge: Ja, Isabelle?

Isabelle: Jag blundar nu och plutar med munnen och jag står under misteln!

Unga Scrooge: Du står på min fot också.

Mr. Scrooge: *suck* Jag minns så kär jag var i henne.

Ande 1: Men under tiden hade du lärt dig älska något annat.

Mr. Scrooge: *upptäcker att de har ändrat plats* Men! Det här är ju mitt kontor!

Unge Scrooge: *sitter och räknar pengar när han blir störd av Isabelle* Niotusenniohundrasjuttiotvå... niotusen...

Isabelle: Ebenezer?

Unge Scrooge: Ja, vad är det?

Isabelle: I flera år har jag haft smekmånadsstugan, Ebenezer. Jag väntar på att du ska hålla ditt löfte och gifta dig med mig! Nu måste jag få veta... Har du bestämt dig?

Unge Scrooge: Det har jag! Din senaste inbetalning kom en timme för sent! Så jag drar in lånet!

*förkrossat lämnar Isabelle kontoret*

Ande 1: Du älskade ditt guld mer än du älskade henne! Så du miste henne för alltid.

*Isabelle smäller hårt igen dörren så att alla pengastaplar som Scrooge samlat ihop rasar*

Unge Scrooge: Niotusenniohundrasjuttio.... tre!

Mr. Scrooge: Snälla, ande! Jag orkar inte med alla dessa minnen! Jag vill hem...

Ande 1: Kom ihåg, Scrooge, du bär själv skulden, skulden....


*tillbaka till Scrooge's rum*

Mr. Scrooge: Varför var jag så dum? Varför? Varför? *ser rummet lysa upp* Va?! Vad var det där?

Ande 2: Fy, fi, fo, fum! Jag luktar! Jag menar... lukta lukten! *hukar sig för att kunna se bättre till Scrooge säng* Känner jag inte lukten av bitter engelsman? *drar fram Scrooge från sängen och luktar sedan på honom* Usch! Jag gjorde det!

Mr. Scrooge: Nej, snälla! Ät inte upp mig!

Ande 2: Varför skulle nuvarande julars ande, det är jag det! Vilja äta en motbjudande liten snåljop som du? Speciellt när det finns så mycket goda saker i livet! Se här!

Mr. Scrooge: Oh! Små pajer! Kalkon! Späd gris!

Ande 2: Och glöm inte choklad desserten! Med pistacho! Äh! Med massmacho! Eh, med chissango! Äh! Med Yoghurt!

Mr. Scrooge: Men vart kommer allt ifrån?

Ande 2: Från hjärtat! Det är sann och äkta givmildhet vilket du saknar helt, min kära man!

Mr. Scrooge: Givmildhet! Hah! Ingen har nånsin visat mig givmildhet!

Ande 2: Du har aldrig gett de någon chans ju! Trotts det finns det även de som har värmen i sina hjärtan även för en sån som du!

Mr. Scrooge: Ingen som jag känner till! Det försäkrar jag!

Ande 2: Vi får väl se! *öppnar taket för att kunna gå ut ur huset, men fixar tillbaka det lika lätt som han tar sig ut. Därefter för han Scrooge till ett hus inte långt från honom* Eh, nu är vi framme!

Mr. Scrooge: Varför tog du med mig till det här gamla rucklet?

Ande 2: Här bor din överarbetade underbetalda medarbetare Bob Krutchet!

Mr. Scrooge: Vad steker hon för något? Det ser ut som någon sorts sparv! De måste ha mer mat än det där! Titta i spisen!

Ande 2: Eh... Det är din tvätt ju!

Mr. Krutchet: Inte än barn! Vi måste vänta på lille Tim!

Lille Tim: Jag kommer far! Jag kommer! *haltar fram till matbordet* Åh! Titta på alla godsaker vi ska få äta! Vi måste tacka Mr. Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Säg mig ande, vad är det för fel på den där lille pojken?

Ande 2: Mycket, är jag rädd. *ser på när lille Tim bjuder sin far på ett av de små fågelbenen då Krutchet bara får en oliv att äta* Om de här skuggorna inte förändras ser jag en tom stol där Tim en gång satt.

Mr. Scrooge: Men, då betyder det att Tim kommer... Va? Vad hände? Ande! Vart tog du vägen? Ande! Gå inte! Du måste berätta om Tim! Gå inte! *börjar hosta då rök börjar forma sig omkring honom och han märker knappt att han blir förflyttad till en annan plats igen, en kyrkogård* Vart tog... *stirrar mot en siluett bland röken* V-vem är du? Är du kommande julars ande? Snälla. Säg mig.. Vad kommer hända lille Tim? *vrider huvudet mot det håll som anden pekar mot och får se Krutchet och hans familj ta ett sista farväl på Tims grav* Åh nej! Ande... det får inte sluta så här. Är det för sent att ändra på det? *hör ett avlägset skratt och vänder sig för att gå dit*

Gravgrävare 1: Det var den sorgligaste begravningen jag har varit på!

Gravgrävare 2: Nä! Inga sörjare! Inga polare som tar farväl!

Gravgrävare 1: Nåja! Vi tar en paus innan vi fyller igen! Han kan ju inte sticka någonstans! Haha!

Mr. Scrooge: Ande! Vad är det här för enslig grav?

Ande 3: *tänder en tändsticka och håller upp den framför gravstenen så att Scrooge kan läsa vad det står* Nämen det är ju din, Ebenezer! Den rikaste mannen på hela kyrkogården! *knuffar i Scrooge i graven och ser sedan på med ett rofyllt skratt medan Scrooge försöker klättra upp ur graven*

Mr. Scrooge: Jag ska bättra mig! Jag ska bättra mig!


*efter att ha ramlat i graven så vaknar Scrooge upp, tillbaka på sitt rum och går fram till fönstret för att andas in en ny morgon*

Mr. Scrooge: Det är juldagsmorgon! Jag har inte gått miste om den! Andarna har gett mig en ny chans! Jag vet precis vad jag ska göra! De kommer att bli så förvånade! Åh! Vilken underbar dag! Det finns så mycket att göra! Så mycket att göra! *kommer ut genom dörrarna till hans hem och får syn på de båda samlarna som kom till hans kontor* God jul på er allesammans! Ja visst! God morgon mina herrar! Jag har någonting åt er!

Tiggare 1: 20 guldmynt! Åh, nej!

Mr. Scrooge: Inte nog? Ja men då så! 50 guldmynt!

Tiggare 2: Men snälle Mr. Scrooge...

Mr. Scrooge: Fortfarande inte nöjd? Ni är en tuff affärsman! Här har ni! 100 guldmynt! Och inte ett dugg mer!

Tiggare 1: Åh, tackar Mr. Scrooge! Tackar! Och en riktigt god jul till er med, sir!

Mr. Scrooge: *går runt på gatan och hälsar alla en riktigt God Jul och träffar till slut på Thred* Hejsan, min gosse! Jag ser fram emot din julmiddag!

Mr. Thred: Hörde jag rätt? Tänker du komma?

Mr. Scrooge: Det klart! Jag älskar kaderand frukt med sockerkaka! Jag kommer prick klockan 2! Håll maten varm!

Mr. Thred: Självklart, Mr. Scrooge! Självklart! Och ha nu en riktigt god jul!


*Scrooge är på väg med en överraskning till sin medarbetare Krutchet och håller i en säck när han knackar på dörren och försöker hålla samma bittra profil som han haft i flera år*

Mr. Krutchet: Men Mr. Scrooge! God jul... Vill ni inte komma in? *ser på när Scrooge marscherar in i rummet*

Mr. Scrooge: God jul? Huh! Jag en säck till åt dig!

Mr. Krutchet: Men sir? Det är ju jul!

Mr. Scrooge: Jul? Huh! Det är bara en ursäkt för att vara lat! Och en annan sak, Krutchet! Jag har fått nog av dina lediga halvdagar! Du ger mig inget annat val, heh! Än att ge dig..

Lille Tim: *har hittat vad som verkligen finns i säckan och ropar:* leksaker!

Mr. Scrooge: Ja! Leksaker! Nej, nej! Jag ska ge dig påökt! Och göra dig till min kompanjon!

Mr. Krutchet: Ko-kompanjon?! *följer med sin familj när de hittar en kalkon i säcken som Scrooge hade med sig* Åh! Tack, Mr. Scrooge!

Mr. Scrooge: Och en riktigt god jul på er!

Lille Tim: Och Gud välsigne oss alla!

The end!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Nothing else on my mind

Hi there! I have nothing better to do than write here so... That's what I'm gonna do ^^

I've been hearing the soundtrack of How to train your dragon(love that movie!) and I try to figure out wich instrument is used. It's very entertaining and a fun thing to do when you're bored and don't want to have the movie played in your head over and over everytime you listen to the song! Well... I think I know a couple of instrument, but... There's this one that I can't figure out. It is used in many scary movies and stuff like that but I can't figure out what instrument it is! I simply don't know the name XD But it is one of many so... I'm very glad for that ^^

How to train your dragon is a very good movie! it is not some stupid childish movie that will get you dumb when you see it. No! the music is wonderfull, they've really thought about that, the dragons are actually scary at some point! The light in the movie is SO good! And I get shivers when I watch it XD The other day I saw it two times on the same day! That should tell you a lot of how much I like it XD I can't stop watching it! It's so good!

I love how they put the Vikings into this story and not some amaricans that is in every movie you see with dragons -.- No! Put some north people into it and get their right spirit! And yeah! It gets great! I don't think they understand north mythology exactly, but.. who can blame them? I mean.. You can only understand as much if you don't believe in it. So that is just one detail you can ignore. And then... the designs on the dragons... I don't want to talk about that XD I mean the Gronkle... I don't like that dragons design XD But.. That's me. Nightfury has a good design, but.. the mouth.. He looks like a flatten shark for God sake! And the mother dragon... Godzilla with a twisted jaw! I guess someone has punched that dragon and the jaw like... fixed it that way. I don't like that... and what's up with that thing can fly?! I mean even if it had the biggest wings those could NEVER lift up a body like that! It has to be like... well, that dragon is super heavy! It can't fly o.o But in this movie.. It can ^^ But I like the design of the wings however o.o They are o awsome! But that is just a few details you can ignore because this movie rocks XD It hasn't to do anything with the dragon being cool looking.

The story is nice(I heard someone say it is a little cliché but.. Maybe it is maybe not I still like it ^^) and I like the fact that NONE of the dragons talk. They act like animals and they don't talk like humans. I love that fact! I thought they would be because the design says so XD But no! They don't talk, and that's the important thing when you make a movie with dragons, i mean.. Look at Alice in wonderland Tim Burton style... That "dragon" talked and.. that really flooped! The "dragon" wasn't scary at all because it talked! It just makes the scary thing less scary you know XD animals talk with their eyes and ears. And that is a important thing How to train your dragon has taken in. Toothless is a fine dragon. I love him, I deny it because I know you who have seen the movie love him too. But! I do in fact love that dragon! It has a personality of a panther and the looks of a flatten shark, but still! I love it! They've really thought that out with talking with your eyes and ears. Well.. lets just say that Dreamworks have thought about this movie and that's why it is so good! Good work Dreamworks!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Feeling down like a drop of tear

Hi! If you don't want to read how bad I feel you should ignore this text... Because... This is just a post I'm writing to... well.. just to have something to do really... get the time passing... or something...

Right now I'm dead tired. I'm so tired that I'm feeling sick.. Yet I'm keeping myself awake! Yay! I'm crazy -.- Na, but... Yeah! I wanna talk to some people right now so I'm ignoring the fact that I'm tired.. That's what I'm doing ;P Eto... I think I've figured out why I'm so tired all the time... It takes.. all my energy right now to keep me happy.. Keep going like everything is normal because.. I don't wanna bring annyone down just because I'm down, no... ... Sorry for the dot invasion but... when I'm down I use it much because it represents my pauses I do when I talk...................................................................................................... ....... Yeah.. Hontou ni gomenna!

Well! Also.. when I'm down, this down anyway... I want to just lay down and sleep away my life because.. I don't want to experience it anymore.. That I've had since I was little.. Don't know what causes it. Eto... But the thing that happened... I don't want to talk about it. I mean.. I know that many of you read this blog and I don't think it would be fair if I wrote it out in the open, like.. detailing every second of what happened, no.. that's not fair. I can say this.. No one has died, No one... Soreja... I'm single... That's what I'm saying. And that's why I feel like crap right now. But still! Trying to hide it so that no one is affected by it... but, Tyra Banks once (Once? Hasn't she said this to like... at least one girl in every cycle of ANTM?) said that she rather see a girl cry than happy all the time because it shows emotion and not be so.. robotic... Sorry if that sentence doesn't make any sence I'm just.. Tired right now.. And I'm listnening to Miyavi XD Being destracted by his sweet music and... voice... Meow!

Eto! Watashi ga hontou ni iitai kotodatta... I'm working my ass off just because I want something else to think off... I'm sewing... Is that how you spell it? You know.. Making clothes... For Loid and! I've also taken some pictures at Loid allready! But as said you'll not be seeing him until next year... I'm drawing like... ten things at the time! I've got a picture with a really detaild background, I've got a picture that is like a gray... What is it... What is it called? ... Eto.. Grayscale! Thank you! Ano.. I've also got that picture that I'm gonna do on the computer and I've got that picture on the guy in my next novell... And I'm also working on that! I'm writing a novell right now but right now I'm too tired and uninspired to write on it... Well, I do write better when I'm tired but! Uninspired doesn't make well, no.. Eto... I'm also working on my story, trying to get inspired for that and writing on it... Sorede... I must start on a script for my serie with my Luts since I'm going to start shooting on it in the summer and I'm going to post more pictures at Julien and I need to get him more clothes and.... *trying to breath* Well... I need to get a payed job as well -.- Right now I'm unemployed... Yeah! But... Trying my best! So.. stop nag about it! Ok? Thank you! But... As you see.. Lot of stuff to do... The thing is.. The drawings, clothes, pictures and novell.. Must be done for the 1 January 2011.. I have three weeks to get it done... All of that! .... So... I don't feel good.. On top of that I'm stressed.. Second.. or third really... whatever! I don't have enough strength to sit a whole night to draw or write because I'm feeling low on eneregy... God! This is really frustrating XD Oh well! I'm going to do my best! See you next time!

Thanks for listening!

*Eto/Ano = Ehum
** Sorede/Soreja = And
***Hontou ni gomenna = I'm really sorry
****Watashi ga hontou ni iitai kotodatta = What I really wanted to say was

Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas is near!

Well.. We're off to 3 december.... Imagine that huh XD It's soon time for chirstmas! And even earlier my birthday.

Have you guys, in Sweden, seen the new chistmascalender on SVT? I haven't, because I'm so disapointed at it. Well.. I've been disappointed to the early chistmascalenders, but still! I heard they mentioned LM.C... Well, that's great for LM.C! But... I believe that we will have even more wannabies here that will listen to them and make them trendy and then just forget about them after a few mounths... Meow... Not good. But still! Good for LM.C to be mentioned in Swedish television.

Another thing... Seems like the snow has gone back to it's usual schedule. It has been snowing here since the end of November, and I'm glad of it! Maybe this year I'll get what I always wish for: Snow on my birthday. And maybe now we'll even have snow on the christmas? Remember last year? No snow there at christmas. At least the family was happy though they didn't need to stumble on the ice, right?

I'm sorry if I don't sound very happy right now... Even Kagi Warai can have bad days..

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


"What should we do?"
"We're going to get him out of here and then hopefully.... He's gonna die someplace else, like in a yard or in somebodys shelf!"

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Nerdy talk about Luts

I got my other doll now, Loid ^^ Yes, how name is Loid from Luts :P

I introduced him for Julien when he came home. Loid tried to get some comfort from Julien, but Julien wasn't that intrested at all XD He looked at me as if he was thinking "Are you kidding me?! I have to put up with this?!" I said yes! So be good! I left them together for a second or so, Loid was still trying to get some comfort from Julien, think he was feeling a little scared from the big tripp o.O I mean.. All the way from Corea to Sweden XD LOOONG trip! But anyway! I didn't think of them so much after that.. I thought Julien would NEVER like Loid. But now.. I gave Julien a new clothing, he seemed to like it. Then I put him together with Loid again and once again, Julien sighed and didn't want anything to do with Loid. But then I said " You should be happy! I've brought you a slave" XD THEN! He came around and gave me one of his evil smile XD Loid didn't seem to care :P I think he likes Julien XD Kind of funny!

Well, to be more serious. When I picked up Loid from the package I was like... DAMN! He's so stunning! He's gorgeus! He had one of those clear blue eyes and his makeup was SO beautiful! Everything about him is beautiful XD He's gonna look so cute in the Visual Kei outfits I'm gonna give him! I'm gonna try some of Juliens kimonos on him o.O Just to see how cute he will look XD That would make Julien SO pissed XD But I'm gonna do it anyway! Julien can curse me all he wants! I know he loves me ^^

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

LM.C! Come back and Let Me Crazy!

LM.C! I still love you! I got your new single yesterday!!! And... I died a little XD I was so happy! Have "normal edition" apparently o.O But still! I have it XD Maybe I should order Neo magazine with you in it too... YEAH! I will XD

Well... I think now that you ARE reading my blog because now I mentioned Twitter and then you write on your myspace which Twitter is yours. And I got you! Yeah I do :P Thank you LM.C! Now I can follow you on Twitter too ^^ BUT! I still want you to come back to Sweeden o.o You got to do it on 2011! o.o Please? I've told you before XD There are still people that haven't seen you yet! And want to SO badly! And I've discover a whole lot of them XD Actually I've "transfered" (is that how you say it o.O?) your music to half of those people XD I'm very good at that! Everyone loves your music! Even if they're not into japanese they still love you XD So you got to come back to Sweden again! For the third time! And hopefully more times XD PLEASE!!

And no my friends, I haven't gone crazy! I promise XD No more than usual anyway XP

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Magnum Double!

I'm sick! Yes I am! But I'm not gonna complain :P I've been waiting for this day really... The day I become sick! ... XD

No, but! I was gonna talk about my experience in the store ^^ I was gonna get some Ice cream because of my sore throat. So I look over and thought like... Daim and stuff like that.. But that was really expensive! Then I saw like.. Magnum.. anf magnum ice cream is really tasty ^^ But it was little, in one of those boxes you know? So I look over the prices again and saw like... Magnum "mandel", "classic" and "double" and..... Wait? Double? They've stopped selling that product! Magnum Double doesnät exist anymore! But there it was! Mini Magnum Double! Did I buy it? Of course I did!! I haven't eaten it for many years now because they haf layd it off the market! So... I'm gonna eat Magnum Double tonight ^^

And... Apparently my singing voice is cozy to listen at when I'm sick o.O I spoke to my friend and started singing at Miyavi XD One of his songs... And.. It went quiet, dead as a tunnel, on the other side of the phone and I'm like... "Hello? Are you there?" And she's like: "... uhm... yeah? I'm just listnening to your voice! It's cozy!" And I'm like.... HUH?! For real XD?! I'm starting to lose my voice because it's so sore and you're saying that you like it XD? .... Ok, fine :P Maybe I'll put up a youtube clip with me singing Miyavi when I'm sick? Maybe XD

Saturday, 13 November 2010

A preview!

Listen everyone!

Everyone who is a fan of Kagi Warais novels and stories! There will be a preview of the next story which will be done somewhere in the future! I, Kagi, will add it on my website and I hope you know what it is by now! So read it! And hopefully you'll be curious on what will happen!

Fan of Mr. Landy

This is scary! This is seariously scary!

I've done it o.o I've posted a comment on Derek Landy's blog! Yeah! I did it! And now I'm super nervous! What if he thinks my post is dorky o.o? What if he ignores it? What if... what if!! Grr!

Yeah.. I'm THAT kind of fan -.- Oh well! I don't know if I should get my hopes up. When I comment on LM.C they didn't responed... But they did SOMETHING that prooved they had listened to my comment. I don't know what will happened.. I left an email adress, but that's the email adress for my website. Not my private, so.. I'm prepared that there'll be some jerks that will say that they're Mr. Landy just to jerk around with me. But... It would be REALLY amasing if THE Derek Landy wrote to me XD Yay! I'm so nervous o.o

Friday, 12 November 2010

Boring with a big B

About Twitter... I think it's really boring there o.O I do! I don't find anything to do there except "tweet" and find friends..... What kind of fun is that?! I mean... Here on blogspot you can do SO much more! You can post a blog and you can.... comment? .... and you can... you can... .... Oh! Schyss!

But, I already have my blogspot... Why should I have Twitter? I want to follow LM.C but there's so many fans that has their name on them, saying that they're for example Maya or Aiji so it's really difficult to see who of them are really LM.C... So why, WHY should I have twitter? It's just boring! I find nothing to do there -.-

Speaking of boring.... How come SpunchBob became SO popular I have no idea! It's just.... A blond guy walking around in the sea doing nothing but idiot stuff! I mean... Don't we have enough of that in real life XD?

Thursday, 11 November 2010

New collection

I think I've come up with another drawing for the collection... However... This one I'm gonna try and draw it over the computer... Gonna try to be patient with it. Don't know if it's gonna be good or anything, but I'm gonna try :P So I will soon have four pictures to my collection ready ^^

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Wanna feel something different...

Feeling dizzy today.... I want to feel something different than dizzy some day! Seem to feel that an awfully lot lately.. Don't know why though o.O

I've been working on my new collection ^^ Yesterday I worked on three pictures at the same time! Although, the third one is for a special someone so you're not going to see that one, sorry I brought it up :P But still! Two new pictures! And did I mention that I've started on my new novel? I think I did... But I can take it again if I didn't XD I've been working on that too so soon I have three novels done for my novel collection wich I'm going to sell as soon as it's done ^^ Be sure to look for Kagi's novel collection(Not the title of the book) in the stores ^^ But I still don't know how many novels I will put in there! Five? Seven? It's my first book so maybe not THAT many, right? I don't know... But! I'm gonna do as many as they ask me ^^ And I'm not gona stop after a few novels o.o No no! I still have a lot of ideas to put on ^^

The roman I'm working on is going a little slow -.- But I'm gonna do it! I promise ^^ It's just gonna take a little longer until it's done. Be patient! ... That's all I have to say today XD See you next time! Hopefully I have something more usefull to say by then -.-

Sunday, 7 November 2010

No fun, No future

Yay! I finally found it!

I've been wondering for a time now who is singing LM.Cs - No fun no future. So to spare you from searching everywhere to find it.... It's AIJI!! XD I heard at once that it wasn't Maya, even if it was kind of mixed, and... That is NOT what I imagined Aijis voice to be like o.O I wanted to hear some of his older band like... Mona Lisa because there he sings but.. Can't find any songs with them! So that really sucks, but I still got to hear his voice ^^ With LM.C XD ... Maybe they're listening to me o.O That would be really scary, but still kind of great... LM.C! If you are listening to me please write to me! I love you so DAMN much! ... Sorry for the harsh language. You can find me on Twitter and Myspace! Both, I think, my name is KagiKawa... or something simular XP

And no, I'm not starting on having the title as a LM.C song again, just thought that was a perfect title for this entry :)

And why I think they're listening to me is: First I said I wanted to hear Aiji sing... So they did... And then I said I wanted them to come back to Sweden and I wanted to know the Edo Funk dance, a few days later they put up The Denki man to the Edo Funk dance on the internet. It could be coincidents, but as a fan I choose to see it like they're listening to me XD

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Just random conversation?

Feels like I'm getting more and more bad at uploading posts here... But I don't know because I don't keep track on when I post entries XD I want to upload ofter but when I remember blogspot I seem to have nothing to write about. And that sucks! I love to write about nothing and just babnbling on about anything, but.. Lately I can't seem to do that -.- And it's pretty frustrating! ... See I got stuck again! I have no idea what to write o.o Grr!

Well.. I can just write what comes to my mind... My elbow seems to be off again... Hurts more now, like when I first got this. I hope it will get over soon, it's really... gonna use that word again XD frustrating! Lucky it isn't both elbows again... Gonna be happy for the little things and not complain ^^ ....... Hell no!!! If I wanna complain, so I shall! And so shall all of you! Don't be afraid to complain XD Just... Do it minimal so no one will tire of hearing you ^^ Ok? Good!

.... I so wanna meet Derek Landy -.-

I've been watching some new movies, yeah! Vampire Girl vs Frankensteins Girl... That movie was pretty amusing ^^ But.. Not that kind of movie that you would see over and over and over again.... Loved tha actors! They did a good job ^^ So... You should see it! The makeup was pretty cool ^^ And again... Very amusing to watch XD
Today I also saw Hero.... BORING!! For a fighting movie that was really boring... There where not that many that died o.o about... Three! Meow! And they only talked about death! I mean... COMMON!! So that was a disappointment -.- But yeah! The colors where great.... About anything that was great about that movie! I couldn't tell if the actors where bad because it was probably the first Chinease movie I saw completely through, but... Yeah... Disappointed...

Skulduggery Pleasant

I don't know what else to write here o.o I'm stuck with Family Guy! It's so funny XD That is a funny serie! But I also like Simpsons so don't think I prefere Family Guy XD Both of them are good series! So... Gonan watch that now ^^ Here you in... Well... Whenever I feel like writing again ^^ Hoping you'll not wait too long XD Ok? Good!! See you later! Don't forget to support Derek Landy and buy as many books of him as you can XD YAY!!! He rules! .......... -.-'

Friday, 29 October 2010

Twitter? WTF?!

Didn't believe it would EVER happen! BUT! Now I've got twitter! Yes I do! And you can NEVER guess why I have it! ...Damn >< You got it right the first time! It's because to "stalk" LM.C XD Yeah... Same reason I got myspace also.. But yeah! I love them so XD No judge! I've got twitter now anyway! So.. Visit me on twitter XD KagiKawa that's me :P

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

LM.C and a painfull arm!


I'm sorry I haven't written here in a while, I wanted to write but then my nternet wouldn't work and I'm only at my MiniPC right now and it's so small! Can hardly see the text and that's really a pain in the ass! Oh well.. I did not write here to complain about that! I wrote here because I wanna complain about my arm! ... And oh yeah! LM.C XD Ok! Good news first and then the bad news later, then you can decide if you want to hear about my complains about my arm XD Sounds good? Good!

As you probably already know, LM.C has come out with a new single today? You haven't? Maya says it four times on the So-net Comment! And yeah! Four times! Three times after each other XD And you gotta see that Comment because.. Mayas laugh is wonderfull! .. It wasn't that I was gonna talk about XD If you haven't heard about it, it's ok! They haven't really anounced it on their Myspace page o.o That sucks! Because we who don't have twitter can't follow them >< And Twitter kinda sucks XD Oh well! They have released their new single Let Me' Crazy. The video is woderful! And the song Let Me' Go is really good! It reminds me of the time when they did their first album and singles with Oh My Juliet. Not that stage when they just have their happy and crazy songs in Wonderful Wonderholic. And that is really lovely ^^ Because I miss their more rock time XD So that was really good to hear. Yeah! I have ordered their single so I'll listen to the other songs when it comes! ... Sorry that it will take a month before I can talk about it -.- Sorry! But! You can still enjoy it if you fnd it before me ^^ So.. I think that was about that o.O Yeah! ... LM.C is great!!!

Ok! Now about my arm.. *see everyone leaving the room* I'm still gonna complain! I have this problem with my elbows, can't really explain it.. But I did something last evening and now it doesn't stop hurting! Can't hold the arm straight anymore.. It hurt all night and I woke up today with that pain in the arm! Have no idea what's causing it. Pills doesn't help, nothing painkiller stuff helps! The doctor can't do anything -.- I have to deal with the pain! I hate that.. REALLY hate that! ... That's that ^^ Thank you for reading this far and hope you'll continue to read my post entries XD

P.S My head hurts and I feel little drowsy that's why maybe the language sucks at the time, I'm not complaining here, just explaining. OK? Good ^^ See you next time! D.S

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Talk about work..

Ok! Hi again XD

I've been writing on my story, the story with the fight scene on, yeah! That one! And the fighting scene is over! Now I'm going to write that scene which I wanted to write all along! Woho! .. Or something, hehe.. Well, I'm working on that. I'm also thinking about a new story for a novel... It's not doing well I'm afraid. Sorry.. It's going to be a while with that.

I'm also doing another project(I love my projects) with drawings! I'm gping to have a collection. another collection with drawings, different types of drawings, and I'm hoping his collection is better than the last. I must admit... My last collection was a mess! But that was because I was still learning about this new technic I'm doing. Now that I'm coming down to it... I think it's going to be better. Hope you'll think so too!

Have patient til we see each other next time!

Crazy a Go Go

It's snowing!!!

Ok! Here, where I am right now (not home, but still in Sweden) it's snowing! I was devistated! I didn't want it to snow! Not now! Not before Halloween! No! But who am I to decide what weather we're gonna have? I can't -.- That's really annoying!

... So that was yesterday! Today it's... sunny.. It appear to be yeah! Hmm.. Wierd.. anyway! I've been gone for a bit, I know. A week? Yeah! A week. I'm with my boyfriend so.. No internet or anything. That's why I'm not so active here.. But I'm coming home on satturday, then I'm gonna be home for a while ^^ And yeah! I do have a boyfriend! I know you were wondering about that! But I do XD Everyone is in chock I mean.. Kagi got a BOYfriend! Me who only like girls XD But o be fare he is the girl in the relationship! Yeah he is XD We have a lot of fun with that so.. yeah..

That was that! Don't ask me about it anymore please XD I know you're jelous! I've been starting to write... You know what? This post is jus a mess! I think we take this to another post.. This serious bissness to another post! Ok! See in you in a few seconds then XD

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Dead tired


Oh sorry.. I haven't slept well in a week. I don't know what it is but something in my room scares me. At least it was that yesterday. Actually I don't know why I can't sleep.. I just can't! And it's really frustrating!

Sorry for this meaningless post entry but.. Yeah! I'm tired XD Just wanted everybody to know that I can't sleep XD ... "Who wants chowder?"

Monday, 11 October 2010

Visit or you'll miss it!

I always write a post here and not on my site. ... So that's what I'm gonna do now. Yeah! So visit my homepage this time to read what I have to write XD

... Have you forgotten what it is? Aw.. That makes me sad. You should have it as a bookmark! So you can visit it all the time! But.. For now I'm gonna give it to you. Don't loose it this time!

I know that it is a little dead on that page right now but I recently had a huge clear-out so.. Yeah. New stuff is coming! And this time.. It's gonna be better ;)

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Dedicated to.....

Feeling the temptations to start roleplay again...

MUST-STOP..... Can't give in to the temptation! ... NOOO!!!!


XD Sorry! I just felt that I had to do that! But yeah! I want to start roleplay again.. But I can't! I remember how idiotic I was towards my friends if I missed one day of roleplaying. I remember that I didn't do anything else but roleplay! If I give in now.. How will it go for my precious stories? Novels... My work? You will have to wait even longer for the next story to come! That would be a disaster right? So... No more roleplay!

However! I'm starting to look back at some of my old roleplays and.. I'm going to convert(is that how you say it?) some of them to stories. I know three of them are going to become stories. And you old roleplayers who read this.. You can relax! I'm not going to put your writing to the story. I'm just going to take insparitions there from ^^ If you want I can put your names into the cast list. Or I can say that the book is dedicated to you ^^ However! I have yet to find what that word means XD I don't really know o.O

Oh oh! A funny thing before I leave! Thursday night XD I went to bed about half past twelve... Thought about demons and spirits and evil monsters under my bed you know? So I was a little bit scared! About 2 am I got some sleep... Dreamt about Repo! The genetic Opera and Silent Hill... That didn't do any good.. Woke up half past two again and I always go to sleep with my TV on(yeah I am afraid of the dark and the TV helps me to sleep) so I looked up at the TV and saw people from the old days in a forest and I was like... "This looks like the beginning of Marie Antoinette" so I watch a little more and.. It was it! Marie Antoinette was on at half past two in the middle of the night XD And I was scared as hell from my own thoughts, my own imaginary. So I decided to watch it no matter how tired I was. Well.... You know that the movie is about three hours long right XD? Half past five am the movie ended.. I know that the ghost hours stops for around five pm.. But I was tired and there was nothing else to watch on the TV. So I went to try to get some sleep. When I woke up again I woke up to Tyra Banks voice saying: "This is my last show" I was like: "WHAT?!" I was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep but I didn't want to miss Tyra Banks last show. So I watched it.
XD It was a funny night! An exiting night XD Yeah... Bye!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Invisible Bluemark

... I got a bluemark on my arm o.O But I can't find it!

Can't believe this is my first post without a LM.C song for the title -.- Gotta write something intressting here! Not just about a bluemark! Ehum...

Minna! Watch Shugo Chara!!!

.... I really blew that one -.-

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


Hey! Sorry you guys for not posting up posts at my blog for very late... deeply sorry. But I've been busy and tired and busy again and tired again. Haven't been in a particularly mood for typing here.. But now I've put myself together and I'm gonna try to fit in everything that I've done since the last time I wrote here. So I'm gonna check when was the last time I wrote here.. I'll be right back... Oh! One and a half week ago! The photoshoot.. Well! Lets start there!

The photoshoot went great! I was really good XD But.. That doesn't surprise you does it? But I had really fun in that photoshoot to! It was really fun to pose in front of a camera and just be gorgeus you know? Well.. probably you don't because you've never been photographed? Sorry for that XD But I can tell you that it was really fun! ... The sad part is that I am NOT gonna post my photographs anywhere.. Just close friends are gonna see them so.. If you want to see pictures of me you have to be friends with me XD And who knows? Maybe there are some people out there that have read/followed my blog here so it feels like we are close friends? Well.. Let me then know who you are so I can have that feeling too XD Plus there is still A LOT to know about me!

Well.. That was about the photoshoot.. I've argued more with my mother. Again it feels like she doesn't listen to me but I'm trying to have indulgence with her. Yes I am! I promise! XD Well.. I've also opened up to my father and his children so I'm speaking more with them wich is really great! I'm going to see him this week actually ^^ So family is getting better XD My relationship wih them....... Don't know why that is relevant but.. You who wonders how my relationship are so XD It's getting better!

I've also for the first time ridden on a horse for my own! I accidently fall off of course but.. The damge wasn't that big XD Nothing to talk about really, couple of bruises you know! Nothing I haven't cared about before XD But I got up on the horse again and didn't fall off after that! It was actually pretty fun ^^ But I think that I still got some sand between my teeth XD But that stuff you have to take when you're dealing with horses ^^ But for know.. I think I'm gonna stick to what I do best XD Writing and drawing! I think you guys would appriciate that more! XD Not gonna give up on writing or drawing I promise!

Actually I had really fun with my friend this two days ^^ We watched Hellboy 2 together and that was really fun! She agreed with me that it was much better than the first movie! And that you miss Johann Krauss in the gang XD I guess more people agree with us! Well well.. Then we watched "Cloudy with a chanse of Meatballs".. It was better than I thought XD And the mainrole was SO cute! Don't you agree? You who have seen this movie? He is really cute right XD? Oh well! But I didn't like how it was animated but that is a fact that you can ignore because it was really funny! See it in English you stupid Swedish people! XD After that we looked a little at Miyavi on HEY, you know the one when he is driftin off to his own world and the programleader must shout "MIAVI!" to get him back on track again XD? Yeah! That one! Wich was really fun. Then we watched a little at funny moments Gazette(she really loves Gazette) and then we watched Oresama... ... GREATEST MOVIE THIS WEEK!!! It was really funny but really nice as well and a movie with Miyavi.. NEVER wrong though he is really gorgeus XD I've seen that movie three times in two days, the beginning seven times and I'm not getting tired of it! It is on youtube everyone! Not that great english sub but.. It is there XD I love that movie!

God what a lot of text o.O Well.. I'm just gonna mention this again here XD If you've visit my homepage resently you should notice that everything is gone. My story, my novel, my pictures. It has come to this... Internet is a dangerous place and if you're not carefull someone can steal your work and claim them as your own. That's why I've removed everything to prevent that from happening. I'm gonna put in some new stuff soon but right now... You have to wait a little bit XD You all know that I'm writing and drawing a lot so.. You just have to be patient ^^ Next collection is gonna be more fabulus than the previous one and the stories is getting more scary and... I really need one to translate my writing to swedish.. Someone who'll valounter? Anyone?

Oh! And I'm thinking about changing my blog though it's really boring to choose a LM.C song to every entry I put up here.. It was fun in the begnning but now.. I think no one notices either XD No one cares anymore so... Thinking of that!