Saturday 9 October 2010

Dedicated to.....

Feeling the temptations to start roleplay again...

MUST-STOP..... Can't give in to the temptation! ... NOOO!!!!


XD Sorry! I just felt that I had to do that! But yeah! I want to start roleplay again.. But I can't! I remember how idiotic I was towards my friends if I missed one day of roleplaying. I remember that I didn't do anything else but roleplay! If I give in now.. How will it go for my precious stories? Novels... My work? You will have to wait even longer for the next story to come! That would be a disaster right? So... No more roleplay!

However! I'm starting to look back at some of my old roleplays and.. I'm going to convert(is that how you say it?) some of them to stories. I know three of them are going to become stories. And you old roleplayers who read this.. You can relax! I'm not going to put your writing to the story. I'm just going to take insparitions there from ^^ If you want I can put your names into the cast list. Or I can say that the book is dedicated to you ^^ However! I have yet to find what that word means XD I don't really know o.O

Oh oh! A funny thing before I leave! Thursday night XD I went to bed about half past twelve... Thought about demons and spirits and evil monsters under my bed you know? So I was a little bit scared! About 2 am I got some sleep... Dreamt about Repo! The genetic Opera and Silent Hill... That didn't do any good.. Woke up half past two again and I always go to sleep with my TV on(yeah I am afraid of the dark and the TV helps me to sleep) so I looked up at the TV and saw people from the old days in a forest and I was like... "This looks like the beginning of Marie Antoinette" so I watch a little more and.. It was it! Marie Antoinette was on at half past two in the middle of the night XD And I was scared as hell from my own thoughts, my own imaginary. So I decided to watch it no matter how tired I was. Well.... You know that the movie is about three hours long right XD? Half past five am the movie ended.. I know that the ghost hours stops for around five pm.. But I was tired and there was nothing else to watch on the TV. So I went to try to get some sleep. When I woke up again I woke up to Tyra Banks voice saying: "This is my last show" I was like: "WHAT?!" I was really tired and wanted to go back to sleep but I didn't want to miss Tyra Banks last show. So I watched it.
XD It was a funny night! An exiting night XD Yeah... Bye!

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