Wednesday 27 October 2010

LM.C and a painfull arm!


I'm sorry I haven't written here in a while, I wanted to write but then my nternet wouldn't work and I'm only at my MiniPC right now and it's so small! Can hardly see the text and that's really a pain in the ass! Oh well.. I did not write here to complain about that! I wrote here because I wanna complain about my arm! ... And oh yeah! LM.C XD Ok! Good news first and then the bad news later, then you can decide if you want to hear about my complains about my arm XD Sounds good? Good!

As you probably already know, LM.C has come out with a new single today? You haven't? Maya says it four times on the So-net Comment! And yeah! Four times! Three times after each other XD And you gotta see that Comment because.. Mayas laugh is wonderfull! .. It wasn't that I was gonna talk about XD If you haven't heard about it, it's ok! They haven't really anounced it on their Myspace page o.o That sucks! Because we who don't have twitter can't follow them >< And Twitter kinda sucks XD Oh well! They have released their new single Let Me' Crazy. The video is woderful! And the song Let Me' Go is really good! It reminds me of the time when they did their first album and singles with Oh My Juliet. Not that stage when they just have their happy and crazy songs in Wonderful Wonderholic. And that is really lovely ^^ Because I miss their more rock time XD So that was really good to hear. Yeah! I have ordered their single so I'll listen to the other songs when it comes! ... Sorry that it will take a month before I can talk about it -.- Sorry! But! You can still enjoy it if you fnd it before me ^^ So.. I think that was about that o.O Yeah! ... LM.C is great!!!

Ok! Now about my arm.. *see everyone leaving the room* I'm still gonna complain! I have this problem with my elbows, can't really explain it.. But I did something last evening and now it doesn't stop hurting! Can't hold the arm straight anymore.. It hurt all night and I woke up today with that pain in the arm! Have no idea what's causing it. Pills doesn't help, nothing painkiller stuff helps! The doctor can't do anything -.- I have to deal with the pain! I hate that.. REALLY hate that! ... That's that ^^ Thank you for reading this far and hope you'll continue to read my post entries XD

P.S My head hurts and I feel little drowsy that's why maybe the language sucks at the time, I'm not complaining here, just explaining. OK? Good ^^ See you next time! D.S

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