Tuesday 16 November 2010

Magnum Double!

I'm sick! Yes I am! But I'm not gonna complain :P I've been waiting for this day really... The day I become sick! ... XD

No, but! I was gonna talk about my experience in the store ^^ I was gonna get some Ice cream because of my sore throat. So I look over and thought like... Daim and stuff like that.. But that was really expensive! Then I saw like.. Magnum.. anf magnum ice cream is really tasty ^^ But it was little, in one of those boxes you know? So I look over the prices again and saw like... Magnum "mandel", "classic" and "double" and..... Wait? Double? They've stopped selling that product! Magnum Double doesnät exist anymore! But there it was! Mini Magnum Double! Did I buy it? Of course I did!! I haven't eaten it for many years now because they haf layd it off the market! So... I'm gonna eat Magnum Double tonight ^^

And... Apparently my singing voice is cozy to listen at when I'm sick o.O I spoke to my friend and started singing at Miyavi XD One of his songs... And.. It went quiet, dead as a tunnel, on the other side of the phone and I'm like... "Hello? Are you there?" And she's like: "... uhm... yeah? I'm just listnening to your voice! It's cozy!" And I'm like.... HUH?! For real XD?! I'm starting to lose my voice because it's so sore and you're saying that you like it XD? .... Ok, fine :P Maybe I'll put up a youtube clip with me singing Miyavi when I'm sick? Maybe XD

1 comment:

  1. Hahah!!! XD It's not that you are sick.. I just think it's cozy to listen to you when you sings! ^^ I just like your voice xD Okay, I can hear that you are sick, but still.. I like your voice ^^
