Saturday 13 November 2010

Fan of Mr. Landy

This is scary! This is seariously scary!

I've done it o.o I've posted a comment on Derek Landy's blog! Yeah! I did it! And now I'm super nervous! What if he thinks my post is dorky o.o? What if he ignores it? What if... what if!! Grr!

Yeah.. I'm THAT kind of fan -.- Oh well! I don't know if I should get my hopes up. When I comment on LM.C they didn't responed... But they did SOMETHING that prooved they had listened to my comment. I don't know what will happened.. I left an email adress, but that's the email adress for my website. Not my private, so.. I'm prepared that there'll be some jerks that will say that they're Mr. Landy just to jerk around with me. But... It would be REALLY amasing if THE Derek Landy wrote to me XD Yay! I'm so nervous o.o

1 comment:

  1. lol I KNOW the feeling!! I was exactly like this the first time I commented! :D Generally, he doesn't reply, unfortunately. :/ He DOES read EVERY SINGLE comment, though. Which is AMAZING and awesome and marvelous all at the same time! :3 Anyway, I don't know if you know, but there are a bunch of fans of The Great, Master, Derek Landy, and many of them have written fan fictions!! It's really fun to read!
    Check out these:

    And remember, these are but two of the many marvelous fan-fics out there. Maybe you should try your hand at one? :]
    Oh, by the way, if you DO check them out and like them, you should comment on them!! Well, you should comment on the newer posts, that is. Most people don't notice if they have a new comment on an old entry....Anyway if you do comment, would you mind adding somewhere that Skyril told you about them?? I've been kinda absent, and am not caught up on most of them, you for the terribly long comment. It's just strange to find a Derek Landy lover that isn't an insane commentor or something like that.....
    Ta-ta! :]
