Sunday 5 December 2010

Feeling down like a drop of tear

Hi! If you don't want to read how bad I feel you should ignore this text... Because... This is just a post I'm writing to... well.. just to have something to do really... get the time passing... or something...

Right now I'm dead tired. I'm so tired that I'm feeling sick.. Yet I'm keeping myself awake! Yay! I'm crazy -.- Na, but... Yeah! I wanna talk to some people right now so I'm ignoring the fact that I'm tired.. That's what I'm doing ;P Eto... I think I've figured out why I'm so tired all the time... It takes.. all my energy right now to keep me happy.. Keep going like everything is normal because.. I don't wanna bring annyone down just because I'm down, no... ... Sorry for the dot invasion but... when I'm down I use it much because it represents my pauses I do when I talk...................................................................................................... ....... Yeah.. Hontou ni gomenna!

Well! Also.. when I'm down, this down anyway... I want to just lay down and sleep away my life because.. I don't want to experience it anymore.. That I've had since I was little.. Don't know what causes it. Eto... But the thing that happened... I don't want to talk about it. I mean.. I know that many of you read this blog and I don't think it would be fair if I wrote it out in the open, like.. detailing every second of what happened, no.. that's not fair. I can say this.. No one has died, No one... Soreja... I'm single... That's what I'm saying. And that's why I feel like crap right now. But still! Trying to hide it so that no one is affected by it... but, Tyra Banks once (Once? Hasn't she said this to like... at least one girl in every cycle of ANTM?) said that she rather see a girl cry than happy all the time because it shows emotion and not be so.. robotic... Sorry if that sentence doesn't make any sence I'm just.. Tired right now.. And I'm listnening to Miyavi XD Being destracted by his sweet music and... voice... Meow!

Eto! Watashi ga hontou ni iitai kotodatta... I'm working my ass off just because I want something else to think off... I'm sewing... Is that how you spell it? You know.. Making clothes... For Loid and! I've also taken some pictures at Loid allready! But as said you'll not be seeing him until next year... I'm drawing like... ten things at the time! I've got a picture with a really detaild background, I've got a picture that is like a gray... What is it... What is it called? ... Eto.. Grayscale! Thank you! Ano.. I've also got that picture that I'm gonna do on the computer and I've got that picture on the guy in my next novell... And I'm also working on that! I'm writing a novell right now but right now I'm too tired and uninspired to write on it... Well, I do write better when I'm tired but! Uninspired doesn't make well, no.. Eto... I'm also working on my story, trying to get inspired for that and writing on it... Sorede... I must start on a script for my serie with my Luts since I'm going to start shooting on it in the summer and I'm going to post more pictures at Julien and I need to get him more clothes and.... *trying to breath* Well... I need to get a payed job as well -.- Right now I'm unemployed... Yeah! But... Trying my best! So.. stop nag about it! Ok? Thank you! But... As you see.. Lot of stuff to do... The thing is.. The drawings, clothes, pictures and novell.. Must be done for the 1 January 2011.. I have three weeks to get it done... All of that! .... So... I don't feel good.. On top of that I'm stressed.. Second.. or third really... whatever! I don't have enough strength to sit a whole night to draw or write because I'm feeling low on eneregy... God! This is really frustrating XD Oh well! I'm going to do my best! See you next time!

Thanks for listening!

*Eto/Ano = Ehum
** Sorede/Soreja = And
***Hontou ni gomenna = I'm really sorry
****Watashi ga hontou ni iitai kotodatta = What I really wanted to say was

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