Wednesday, 24 November 2010


"What should we do?"
"We're going to get him out of here and then hopefully.... He's gonna die someplace else, like in a yard or in somebodys shelf!"

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Nerdy talk about Luts

I got my other doll now, Loid ^^ Yes, how name is Loid from Luts :P

I introduced him for Julien when he came home. Loid tried to get some comfort from Julien, but Julien wasn't that intrested at all XD He looked at me as if he was thinking "Are you kidding me?! I have to put up with this?!" I said yes! So be good! I left them together for a second or so, Loid was still trying to get some comfort from Julien, think he was feeling a little scared from the big tripp o.O I mean.. All the way from Corea to Sweden XD LOOONG trip! But anyway! I didn't think of them so much after that.. I thought Julien would NEVER like Loid. But now.. I gave Julien a new clothing, he seemed to like it. Then I put him together with Loid again and once again, Julien sighed and didn't want anything to do with Loid. But then I said " You should be happy! I've brought you a slave" XD THEN! He came around and gave me one of his evil smile XD Loid didn't seem to care :P I think he likes Julien XD Kind of funny!

Well, to be more serious. When I picked up Loid from the package I was like... DAMN! He's so stunning! He's gorgeus! He had one of those clear blue eyes and his makeup was SO beautiful! Everything about him is beautiful XD He's gonna look so cute in the Visual Kei outfits I'm gonna give him! I'm gonna try some of Juliens kimonos on him o.O Just to see how cute he will look XD That would make Julien SO pissed XD But I'm gonna do it anyway! Julien can curse me all he wants! I know he loves me ^^

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

LM.C! Come back and Let Me Crazy!

LM.C! I still love you! I got your new single yesterday!!! And... I died a little XD I was so happy! Have "normal edition" apparently o.O But still! I have it XD Maybe I should order Neo magazine with you in it too... YEAH! I will XD

Well... I think now that you ARE reading my blog because now I mentioned Twitter and then you write on your myspace which Twitter is yours. And I got you! Yeah I do :P Thank you LM.C! Now I can follow you on Twitter too ^^ BUT! I still want you to come back to Sweeden o.o You got to do it on 2011! o.o Please? I've told you before XD There are still people that haven't seen you yet! And want to SO badly! And I've discover a whole lot of them XD Actually I've "transfered" (is that how you say it o.O?) your music to half of those people XD I'm very good at that! Everyone loves your music! Even if they're not into japanese they still love you XD So you got to come back to Sweden again! For the third time! And hopefully more times XD PLEASE!!

And no my friends, I haven't gone crazy! I promise XD No more than usual anyway XP

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Magnum Double!

I'm sick! Yes I am! But I'm not gonna complain :P I've been waiting for this day really... The day I become sick! ... XD

No, but! I was gonna talk about my experience in the store ^^ I was gonna get some Ice cream because of my sore throat. So I look over and thought like... Daim and stuff like that.. But that was really expensive! Then I saw like.. Magnum.. anf magnum ice cream is really tasty ^^ But it was little, in one of those boxes you know? So I look over the prices again and saw like... Magnum "mandel", "classic" and "double" and..... Wait? Double? They've stopped selling that product! Magnum Double doesnät exist anymore! But there it was! Mini Magnum Double! Did I buy it? Of course I did!! I haven't eaten it for many years now because they haf layd it off the market! So... I'm gonna eat Magnum Double tonight ^^

And... Apparently my singing voice is cozy to listen at when I'm sick o.O I spoke to my friend and started singing at Miyavi XD One of his songs... And.. It went quiet, dead as a tunnel, on the other side of the phone and I'm like... "Hello? Are you there?" And she's like: "... uhm... yeah? I'm just listnening to your voice! It's cozy!" And I'm like.... HUH?! For real XD?! I'm starting to lose my voice because it's so sore and you're saying that you like it XD? .... Ok, fine :P Maybe I'll put up a youtube clip with me singing Miyavi when I'm sick? Maybe XD

Saturday, 13 November 2010

A preview!

Listen everyone!

Everyone who is a fan of Kagi Warais novels and stories! There will be a preview of the next story which will be done somewhere in the future! I, Kagi, will add it on my website and I hope you know what it is by now! So read it! And hopefully you'll be curious on what will happen!

Fan of Mr. Landy

This is scary! This is seariously scary!

I've done it o.o I've posted a comment on Derek Landy's blog! Yeah! I did it! And now I'm super nervous! What if he thinks my post is dorky o.o? What if he ignores it? What if... what if!! Grr!

Yeah.. I'm THAT kind of fan -.- Oh well! I don't know if I should get my hopes up. When I comment on LM.C they didn't responed... But they did SOMETHING that prooved they had listened to my comment. I don't know what will happened.. I left an email adress, but that's the email adress for my website. Not my private, so.. I'm prepared that there'll be some jerks that will say that they're Mr. Landy just to jerk around with me. But... It would be REALLY amasing if THE Derek Landy wrote to me XD Yay! I'm so nervous o.o

Friday, 12 November 2010

Boring with a big B

About Twitter... I think it's really boring there o.O I do! I don't find anything to do there except "tweet" and find friends..... What kind of fun is that?! I mean... Here on blogspot you can do SO much more! You can post a blog and you can.... comment? .... and you can... you can... .... Oh! Schyss!

But, I already have my blogspot... Why should I have Twitter? I want to follow LM.C but there's so many fans that has their name on them, saying that they're for example Maya or Aiji so it's really difficult to see who of them are really LM.C... So why, WHY should I have twitter? It's just boring! I find nothing to do there -.-

Speaking of boring.... How come SpunchBob became SO popular I have no idea! It's just.... A blond guy walking around in the sea doing nothing but idiot stuff! I mean... Don't we have enough of that in real life XD?

Thursday, 11 November 2010

New collection

I think I've come up with another drawing for the collection... However... This one I'm gonna try and draw it over the computer... Gonna try to be patient with it. Don't know if it's gonna be good or anything, but I'm gonna try :P So I will soon have four pictures to my collection ready ^^

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Wanna feel something different...

Feeling dizzy today.... I want to feel something different than dizzy some day! Seem to feel that an awfully lot lately.. Don't know why though o.O

I've been working on my new collection ^^ Yesterday I worked on three pictures at the same time! Although, the third one is for a special someone so you're not going to see that one, sorry I brought it up :P But still! Two new pictures! And did I mention that I've started on my new novel? I think I did... But I can take it again if I didn't XD I've been working on that too so soon I have three novels done for my novel collection wich I'm going to sell as soon as it's done ^^ Be sure to look for Kagi's novel collection(Not the title of the book) in the stores ^^ But I still don't know how many novels I will put in there! Five? Seven? It's my first book so maybe not THAT many, right? I don't know... But! I'm gonna do as many as they ask me ^^ And I'm not gona stop after a few novels o.o No no! I still have a lot of ideas to put on ^^

The roman I'm working on is going a little slow -.- But I'm gonna do it! I promise ^^ It's just gonna take a little longer until it's done. Be patient! ... That's all I have to say today XD See you next time! Hopefully I have something more usefull to say by then -.-

Sunday, 7 November 2010

No fun, No future

Yay! I finally found it!

I've been wondering for a time now who is singing LM.Cs - No fun no future. So to spare you from searching everywhere to find it.... It's AIJI!! XD I heard at once that it wasn't Maya, even if it was kind of mixed, and... That is NOT what I imagined Aijis voice to be like o.O I wanted to hear some of his older band like... Mona Lisa because there he sings but.. Can't find any songs with them! So that really sucks, but I still got to hear his voice ^^ With LM.C XD ... Maybe they're listening to me o.O That would be really scary, but still kind of great... LM.C! If you are listening to me please write to me! I love you so DAMN much! ... Sorry for the harsh language. You can find me on Twitter and Myspace! Both, I think, my name is KagiKawa... or something simular XP

And no, I'm not starting on having the title as a LM.C song again, just thought that was a perfect title for this entry :)

And why I think they're listening to me is: First I said I wanted to hear Aiji sing... So they did... And then I said I wanted them to come back to Sweden and I wanted to know the Edo Funk dance, a few days later they put up The Denki man to the Edo Funk dance on the internet. It could be coincidents, but as a fan I choose to see it like they're listening to me XD

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Just random conversation?

Feels like I'm getting more and more bad at uploading posts here... But I don't know because I don't keep track on when I post entries XD I want to upload ofter but when I remember blogspot I seem to have nothing to write about. And that sucks! I love to write about nothing and just babnbling on about anything, but.. Lately I can't seem to do that -.- And it's pretty frustrating! ... See I got stuck again! I have no idea what to write o.o Grr!

Well.. I can just write what comes to my mind... My elbow seems to be off again... Hurts more now, like when I first got this. I hope it will get over soon, it's really... gonna use that word again XD frustrating! Lucky it isn't both elbows again... Gonna be happy for the little things and not complain ^^ ....... Hell no!!! If I wanna complain, so I shall! And so shall all of you! Don't be afraid to complain XD Just... Do it minimal so no one will tire of hearing you ^^ Ok? Good!

.... I so wanna meet Derek Landy -.-

I've been watching some new movies, yeah! Vampire Girl vs Frankensteins Girl... That movie was pretty amusing ^^ But.. Not that kind of movie that you would see over and over and over again.... Loved tha actors! They did a good job ^^ So... You should see it! The makeup was pretty cool ^^ And again... Very amusing to watch XD
Today I also saw Hero.... BORING!! For a fighting movie that was really boring... There where not that many that died o.o about... Three! Meow! And they only talked about death! I mean... COMMON!! So that was a disappointment -.- But yeah! The colors where great.... About anything that was great about that movie! I couldn't tell if the actors where bad because it was probably the first Chinease movie I saw completely through, but... Yeah... Disappointed...

Skulduggery Pleasant

I don't know what else to write here o.o I'm stuck with Family Guy! It's so funny XD That is a funny serie! But I also like Simpsons so don't think I prefere Family Guy XD Both of them are good series! So... Gonan watch that now ^^ Here you in... Well... Whenever I feel like writing again ^^ Hoping you'll not wait too long XD Ok? Good!! See you later! Don't forget to support Derek Landy and buy as many books of him as you can XD YAY!!! He rules! .......... -.-'