Sunday 20 March 2011

The Legends of the Guardians; The Owls of GaHoole

What? What just happened? Oh! I seemed to have been enchanted by the animation of the movie that I completely missed it!

I watched this movie... Yeah... It's a very long title of a movie so I'm not repeting it again! It was about this owls.. Oh! No! Wait a minute.. It wasn't! This movie don't have anything to do with owls! It's just a coinsident that it is owls! I think that the animaters did owls just because it animates better. Well truth be told... It is.

The animation in this movie is SO great that it enchants you! Although... It may become an issue when the movie doesn't give you time to absorb the greatness of animation! This movie didn't have a beginning! Or if it did... I surtenly missed it! It couldn't have been more than... 2 seconds! It dived right in to the story! You know what this movie had? It had "A beginning of the end of the beginning!" That's what it had! And it was very confusing.. Although it saves itself by the end when that is taken much slower but as I said.. All the time you're thinking "Wow! Look at the artwork of that bird! That background! That lightning! Look at those eyes! They really have evolved from the old times animations!"

That was what I thought the whole time! I nearly missed the fact that it was a movie I watched and not a serie of paintings! I had difficulties trying to put together the plot of everything but I think I had it right... And it got me thinking about Lord of the Rings. But with birds! When I first saw the trailer to this movie I thought it would be about a adventure about owls in their daily life. You know, that usual thing when they show you how they live their life.... It was not. It was a fearsome battle between owls we didn't know existed and they had learn how to work with fire and change the channel on the TV... Ok, not that last part, but you get what I mean. Lord of the Rings! It's put in front of you and all of a sudden it espects you to believe that Elves are hopping in the woods and something called Shire exists where little people jump around and lives like farmers.... You know?

But this was definitly an adventure! Something you don't want to miss! I espescially like the fact how they put the bad things in a battle. Not the good thing. That our heroes actually BATTLES and KILLS our enemies. That one made me go soft on the fact that nothing I saw in the trailer was true.... I live in Sweden OK? Our trailers about movies is 5 seconds short and you be lucky if you don't miss it! Half of the time they even forget to tell you wich movie it is! They just tells you wich day it has premiere! That's really fucked up! But... Yeah... I would see this movie again... When I'm not enchanted by the awsome work of animation.

But I'll leave it like that and then you'll see for yourself what you thought of it.
Bye bye now!

Oh! And by the way... You know that thing that the bussdriver from Simpsons say in the movie when the dome is cracking? That's pretty much what I said at the nearly end of the movie... Animation... It fascinates you!
"What? What's going on?"

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