Friday 11 March 2011

I'm totally blank...

I heard about it today... A huge tsunami is attacking Japan. Tokyo is very much damaged and people are fleeing while the water is swallowing pretty much everything they know and holds dearest. Families are probably breaking apart. They usually do when something terrible like this is happining.

Even though millions of people are suffering and panicing, I can only think about LM.C. As you should know by now, they are my absolute favourite band. And at the beginning of this year they've held themselves in Japan to have concerts there. To probably please their fans in Japan as much as anyone. On Mars 15th they were going to have a concert in Toyama. My hope is that they are safe from the tsunami and are alive.

I'm totally blanking right now! I couldn't remember my passwords! It's almost like I'm forgetting my name as well. All I can think about is LM.C, you know? "Are they all right? Did they make it in time not to be swallowed by the huge wawes? Why did they stay in Japan? Why weren't they here when this happened?" I'm pretty much crying right now. But I'm trying to convince myself that there's no use in crying though I don't know if they're dead. I don't know anything! Last time they wrote in their blog where in Mars 7th... This monday. This started to happen in wednesday, Mars 9th. But the tsunami didn't come until 6.46 am today, Swedish time, if I understand correctly. ... I'm totally blank! All I can think of is LM.C!

They were suppose to have a new single out in Mars 30th.. Is it done? Is it coming out in their honour? Will they ever make a new album? Will Maya ever sing or talk or walk again? Or is he just lost in the water together with Aiji and Denki and everyone? I know I shouldn't think like that, but... How can't I? I would think the same if my family were there! Wouldn't you? I can't imagine my life without LM.C... Without Aiji and Maya.. It would be horrible if they didn't make it. I would probably cry for weeks until I have no tears left if the worse happened! ... I'm totally blank... I probably have misspelled a couple of words but.. I can't remember.....

You probably think I'm overreacting or something like that, but... I'm not! LM.C means THAT much to me! And I'm worried! So worried that I feel ill... They can't die! They're too young! They have only made four albums! It's their 5th anniversity for Gods sake! They can't die now!

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