Wednesday 16 March 2011

Just because of a Villain

Ok! Since I've watched The Nostalgia Critic I've been curious about one movie! No it isn't one of those he said was crap! This is one that was on his Top 11 Villains song. Already I've heard people say that I should check out this one because they thought it was great! Although I didn't believe them because this company have made me disappointed over and over again. ... Ok! I stopped watching their movies when they made a co-operation with Adam Sandler! But still! No I didn't see that movie but it was just the fact that they did a co-operation with him! That was a new low for them! So... Yeah... But as I was saying, I've been thinking about what he said about that and I also got a hold on the soundtrack and listened to the song, wich isn't that bad... And when I saw the clip from his website I was like.. Wow! This movie has a villain?! I have to check it out! And the villain had purple clothing, long legs and a slim body and a hell of a voice! So of course I need to check it out! Just for the villain!

I'm going to check out The princess and the frog. Tonight! So... We'll see if I think it is good. I don't have high expectations.. Ok! I have expections on the villain so I'll probably be disappointed, but still I'm going to check it out! Wish me luck!

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