Saturday 26 March 2011


"And finally, a shout out to Kouzetu in Sweden, who is awesome" - Derek Landy's answer to my comment on his blog

Miiih! That certainly did my day XD Hihi! I have got to get those new books of his o.o

Sunday 20 March 2011

The Legends of the Guardians; The Owls of GaHoole

What? What just happened? Oh! I seemed to have been enchanted by the animation of the movie that I completely missed it!

I watched this movie... Yeah... It's a very long title of a movie so I'm not repeting it again! It was about this owls.. Oh! No! Wait a minute.. It wasn't! This movie don't have anything to do with owls! It's just a coinsident that it is owls! I think that the animaters did owls just because it animates better. Well truth be told... It is.

The animation in this movie is SO great that it enchants you! Although... It may become an issue when the movie doesn't give you time to absorb the greatness of animation! This movie didn't have a beginning! Or if it did... I surtenly missed it! It couldn't have been more than... 2 seconds! It dived right in to the story! You know what this movie had? It had "A beginning of the end of the beginning!" That's what it had! And it was very confusing.. Although it saves itself by the end when that is taken much slower but as I said.. All the time you're thinking "Wow! Look at the artwork of that bird! That background! That lightning! Look at those eyes! They really have evolved from the old times animations!"

That was what I thought the whole time! I nearly missed the fact that it was a movie I watched and not a serie of paintings! I had difficulties trying to put together the plot of everything but I think I had it right... And it got me thinking about Lord of the Rings. But with birds! When I first saw the trailer to this movie I thought it would be about a adventure about owls in their daily life. You know, that usual thing when they show you how they live their life.... It was not. It was a fearsome battle between owls we didn't know existed and they had learn how to work with fire and change the channel on the TV... Ok, not that last part, but you get what I mean. Lord of the Rings! It's put in front of you and all of a sudden it espects you to believe that Elves are hopping in the woods and something called Shire exists where little people jump around and lives like farmers.... You know?

But this was definitly an adventure! Something you don't want to miss! I espescially like the fact how they put the bad things in a battle. Not the good thing. That our heroes actually BATTLES and KILLS our enemies. That one made me go soft on the fact that nothing I saw in the trailer was true.... I live in Sweden OK? Our trailers about movies is 5 seconds short and you be lucky if you don't miss it! Half of the time they even forget to tell you wich movie it is! They just tells you wich day it has premiere! That's really fucked up! But... Yeah... I would see this movie again... When I'm not enchanted by the awsome work of animation.

But I'll leave it like that and then you'll see for yourself what you thought of it.
Bye bye now!

Oh! And by the way... You know that thing that the bussdriver from Simpsons say in the movie when the dome is cracking? That's pretty much what I said at the nearly end of the movie... Animation... It fascinates you!
"What? What's going on?"

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Princess and the Frog

That was a good movie! The villain was awsome! And the company probably knew that too because they didn't keep him off screen very long! And the colors they made for him... The trix... Grr! I liked everything about him! He did the movie! And I got to tell ya... This must be the one few movies from Disney that doesn't have a happy ending.

How could anyone concider THAT a happy ending?! I'm not gonna say anything more than that. But it was a good movie! If you haven't seen it yet... well probably you have since I think I'm the last person who saw that movie but still! See it! I'm totally gonna see it again! And... skip all the parts where the villain isn't in them.. He was so cool!

Now I'm gonna see another movie that I'm probably last to see first... Fantasia. Not Fantasia 2000. Yes I know I am a little late with that but I never got to see it as a kid. There was so much else going on that someone forgot to show me Fantasia. I missed it when it aired on TV and I didn't grow smaller. So I just didn't have time for it. Now I do. So now, while the night is still young, I'm gonna sit down and see it.

Good night everybody!

Just because of a Villain

Ok! Since I've watched The Nostalgia Critic I've been curious about one movie! No it isn't one of those he said was crap! This is one that was on his Top 11 Villains song. Already I've heard people say that I should check out this one because they thought it was great! Although I didn't believe them because this company have made me disappointed over and over again. ... Ok! I stopped watching their movies when they made a co-operation with Adam Sandler! But still! No I didn't see that movie but it was just the fact that they did a co-operation with him! That was a new low for them! So... Yeah... But as I was saying, I've been thinking about what he said about that and I also got a hold on the soundtrack and listened to the song, wich isn't that bad... And when I saw the clip from his website I was like.. Wow! This movie has a villain?! I have to check it out! And the villain had purple clothing, long legs and a slim body and a hell of a voice! So of course I need to check it out! Just for the villain!

I'm going to check out The princess and the frog. Tonight! So... We'll see if I think it is good. I don't have high expectations.. Ok! I have expections on the villain so I'll probably be disappointed, but still I'm going to check it out! Wish me luck!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Scary Machine things

I have no idea if this will make me look silly or if you'll think like me or... Whatever! But those who want to complain about anything go to another blog and stalk that for a minute. I'm gonna put this up anyway and I don't care about what you say!

I'm gonna talk about my possessed machine things I have had through my life! It's scary! And yet I can't live without my machines!

First, I want to talk about my old VHS... I don't know what you call it in english but it's a thing like the DVD but it plays VHS tapes instead of DVD disks. Ok! That one was scary as hell! And yet I kept on to it for like... 10 years or something! First in the middle of a movie, and it was Aladdin and the King of Thieves, I remember it clearly.... Ok! Not THAT clearly because I can't remember wich scene it was on, but! In the middle of the movie it had set on the Fast forward button! ... My control to that machine was on the other side of the room! ... How the hell did it do that?! In one second I heard the movie in the background because I was sitting in front of my computer at that time, and in the next the movie is silence and I hear the sound the VHS did when it was set on Fast Forward.... SCARY!

And there was this other time, same VHS, that ate my VHS tapes! You know that stripe thingy that the movie's on? It ate that! My Bartok movie was destroyed by that thing! But now when I have played it so many times it works pretty well. But still! Which VHS starts eating your tapes while you watch it?! ... And that stripe thingy.. I don't know how it works but I've seen the inside of a VHS while a movie was running because THAT was the only way to get it out! So after that I threw that VHS because... I think it was its way to tell "I'm done! I'm old! Get another VHS to play your stupid movies!" So I did and...

Well, it haven't been THAT much problems with my new VHS. But there was this one thing that made me never to put in a movie in that again! It ate tapes too! Yeah! But not like the other one! This was the whole tape! It said that it didn't have a tape in it. So I couldn't push the Eject button because it claimed that it didn't have any tape to eject! .... But when I opened the little door where you put the VHS in (I used to do that) I saw the tape! But I couldn't get it out! ... SCARY! And kind of panicking since I couldn't get the movie out!! But one day it seemed to decide that it didn't like to have a tape in it so it finally said "Hey! I have a tape in me! Get it out!" So I did and that tape is probably fine... STILL! Scary!!

Now we'll leave the old time and get to the little more newer thing. DVD! My DVD is the scariest machine work I have in my room. I haven't throw it out yet and I don't know why! Once it swallowed, literay swallowed a piece of paper! You know that nice work on a DVD disk that shows a little part of the cover on the disk? My DVD swallowed that! Since then it made MAD noises (my friends are witnesses) as it sounded like a old lawnmower who had got a cone trapped in the scissors! SCARY at first, but I got used to it and simply stop caring about it.

But the main thing my DVD has done and STILL do! A reason to why it stays off forever is... It's possessed!!!! Again, my friends are witnesses! This machine turns off and on itself after being turned off! I turn off the power to play on my Playstation, because they can't co-exist, and when I turn it on to play a movie... It turns itself off! And then on again! And then off, and then on and then off and then on and then off until I click the exact time on one of the buttons on the control that either put the DVD to sleep or open! ... SCARY! It's possessed! So I'm never gonna put that DVD on again and I'll continue to watch my movies on the computer! Which will be our next object of weird machines that I have.

My computer... I love it! I love it very much! But because it's one of MY machines it got to do something weird from time to time. For an example... The maps I have deleted are still there! ... But the computer maintaine that the maps have been deleted! Still I can see them right in front of me! They won't go away! If I went another way to that map that had those things, they weren't there.. But if I went to THAT map that originally had those things they were there. Even when I closed the window to those and open them again! Turns out it was just my computer who was very slow with update itself. ... OK...

Here's something I can't explain that happened to my computer: My Caps Lock problem! You know the Caps Lock that makes all the letters LIKE THIS... Have you ever have it reverse? When the Caps Lock is doing the normal letters and when you don't have it on it makes the letters LIKE THIS? I have! And I don't know why! It happened to me twice! But whenever I turned the computer off... it disappeared. ... Yeah! What the hell happened? Did I accidentlly do a code on my computer that made my Caps Lock do the reverse? I tried that! I pushed the buttons I was around when that happened and... Nothing happened. So WTF?! ... I don't know.. But weird was it!

So now we come to my mp3... You know the ones before apple released iPod? One of those! And this is also a scary one.. At least as scary as my DVD! My mp3 recorded by itself another song over another song... WTF?! I was sitting on a bus ready to play one of my favorite songs at the time, LM.C - Yasha Hime, and in the middle of the songs it played.. I have no idea! It had magically found a song I haven't heard before! And it was in japanese! It didn't have the japanese radio installed so how the hell did it came across that?! I don't know but it sounded like one of Kayas songs... But I doubt that.. Well, it did more "normal" stuff too, like one of Miyavis songs had been recorded over the next song in line... Have your mp3 or iPod done anything like that? SCARY!! And other songs it just didn't want to find at that time and didn't want to play them! After that I said "Good bye!" to my mp3 .... well not exactly I still have it in my room. ... Yeah... The next object!

This is the last one! I have more weird stuff but I don't think anyone has read all of this crap especially not with the silly comment at the top.. Anyway! I want to talk about my cellphone...s! This is a short one though I'm only going to mention two of them. One deleted all my reminders in my calender AND my saved stuff on the T9! ... We call it that! You know the thing that can make it easier texting by guessing which word you were going to write... That it deleted! But my phone numbers maintained! All my notes in that phone was deleted! I have no idea how! But it did! And I never used that phone again.

My latest phone, a touch, did some weird things too. The first thing that happened when I held it was that I couldn't even use the touch! Well, I don't know if that had happened to you or if it does to all the touch phones before they come attach to their owner but take a hold on this: My phone imitated my DVD by turning itself on and off.. Well.. It was the screen that went on and off, but as a touch phone.. You can't do much if the screen doesn't work! However, this only happened to me twice and again I don't know why.. But lately it has done good and doesn't record over songs like my mp3 so... I'm happy about it ^^

And that's my list on scary stuff that my machines have done to me.. Still maintain that machines can't think by themselves? You're right! But if you still maintain that demons and spirits doesn't exists... My DVD and old VHS will prove you wrong!!!

And it's still official! Kagi can't make a thing short!

Friday 11 March 2011

Tears of relief for LM.C

LM.C are OK! Now I'm shedding happy tears! I'm so relieved! They're alive! ... I have no idea what to say! I'm so... relieved! *hugs them all* About an hour ago they sent their message on their Myspace page that they all were fine! And it felt like everything was going to be OK! But there's still the problem about all the millions of people who's struggling there. We can't forget about them! Hope everything turns out OK!

I'm totally blank...

I heard about it today... A huge tsunami is attacking Japan. Tokyo is very much damaged and people are fleeing while the water is swallowing pretty much everything they know and holds dearest. Families are probably breaking apart. They usually do when something terrible like this is happining.

Even though millions of people are suffering and panicing, I can only think about LM.C. As you should know by now, they are my absolute favourite band. And at the beginning of this year they've held themselves in Japan to have concerts there. To probably please their fans in Japan as much as anyone. On Mars 15th they were going to have a concert in Toyama. My hope is that they are safe from the tsunami and are alive.

I'm totally blanking right now! I couldn't remember my passwords! It's almost like I'm forgetting my name as well. All I can think about is LM.C, you know? "Are they all right? Did they make it in time not to be swallowed by the huge wawes? Why did they stay in Japan? Why weren't they here when this happened?" I'm pretty much crying right now. But I'm trying to convince myself that there's no use in crying though I don't know if they're dead. I don't know anything! Last time they wrote in their blog where in Mars 7th... This monday. This started to happen in wednesday, Mars 9th. But the tsunami didn't come until 6.46 am today, Swedish time, if I understand correctly. ... I'm totally blank! All I can think of is LM.C!

They were suppose to have a new single out in Mars 30th.. Is it done? Is it coming out in their honour? Will they ever make a new album? Will Maya ever sing or talk or walk again? Or is he just lost in the water together with Aiji and Denki and everyone? I know I shouldn't think like that, but... How can't I? I would think the same if my family were there! Wouldn't you? I can't imagine my life without LM.C... Without Aiji and Maya.. It would be horrible if they didn't make it. I would probably cry for weeks until I have no tears left if the worse happened! ... I'm totally blank... I probably have misspelled a couple of words but.. I can't remember.....

You probably think I'm overreacting or something like that, but... I'm not! LM.C means THAT much to me! And I'm worried! So worried that I feel ill... They can't die! They're too young! They have only made four albums! It's their 5th anniversity for Gods sake! They can't die now!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Complaining box

Ok... All right.. "We'll take whatever money we can and get out of here!"
In this post I'm going to complain a little so if you're not intressted in reading that... Move along :P This is about me complaing about my work with my new collection. I worked really hard this time to make you pleased.

This weekened, from friday to sunday I worked night time... and daytime. I set my own deadline and it stressed me out as hell. I felt that I didn't have time to do anything but draw. I didn't shower, I hardly ate, I didn't talk to anyone! All I did was drawing.
Friday: Drew until 3 am
Satturday: Drew until 4 am
Sunday: Drew until 3 am
And the last day I was drawing was Monday until 11.30 pm. At that time.. I had drawn the last thing on my "Peacefull". After that I lay down on my bed and watched Buffy (I know I should have slept but I wanted to relax and what better way than to watch Buffy?).

After satturday night, when I drew from 1 pm to 4 am, my body was hurting. My hand was cramping, because I held the pen in a very firm grip, and my legs where cramping, having them bent down in a sitting position in 15 hours wasn't such a good idea. I had so much pain that I couldn't sleep. I was dead tired and I was twisting and turning and couldn't sleep because of the pain. It was not pleasant! So think about what I do for you guys XD Just to get those drawings done and to get you pleased.

But even me. I put that deadline up and this doesn't have anything about I'm complaining about you. That you put a high expectation of me. The truth is I have no clue of what you think of me. Less who you are or even if I have people who look at my stuff constantly XD So again, this has nothing to do with you. I'm just telling you how much I do for you guys :P And hopefully... I'll gvet more fans that way ;P Because I'll do anything to get you pleased. Even if I'm lying at my deathbed I will draw and write. Because I love it ^^ And I love you!

Thank you for reading to the bottom! There is a cookie here for you! You can just take it! ... Why don't you take it? It's still here you haven't taken it yet. Don't you want it? All right. I'll take it then ;P See ya! Take care!