Wednesday 29 September 2010


Hey! Sorry you guys for not posting up posts at my blog for very late... deeply sorry. But I've been busy and tired and busy again and tired again. Haven't been in a particularly mood for typing here.. But now I've put myself together and I'm gonna try to fit in everything that I've done since the last time I wrote here. So I'm gonna check when was the last time I wrote here.. I'll be right back... Oh! One and a half week ago! The photoshoot.. Well! Lets start there!

The photoshoot went great! I was really good XD But.. That doesn't surprise you does it? But I had really fun in that photoshoot to! It was really fun to pose in front of a camera and just be gorgeus you know? Well.. probably you don't because you've never been photographed? Sorry for that XD But I can tell you that it was really fun! ... The sad part is that I am NOT gonna post my photographs anywhere.. Just close friends are gonna see them so.. If you want to see pictures of me you have to be friends with me XD And who knows? Maybe there are some people out there that have read/followed my blog here so it feels like we are close friends? Well.. Let me then know who you are so I can have that feeling too XD Plus there is still A LOT to know about me!

Well.. That was about the photoshoot.. I've argued more with my mother. Again it feels like she doesn't listen to me but I'm trying to have indulgence with her. Yes I am! I promise! XD Well.. I've also opened up to my father and his children so I'm speaking more with them wich is really great! I'm going to see him this week actually ^^ So family is getting better XD My relationship wih them....... Don't know why that is relevant but.. You who wonders how my relationship are so XD It's getting better!

I've also for the first time ridden on a horse for my own! I accidently fall off of course but.. The damge wasn't that big XD Nothing to talk about really, couple of bruises you know! Nothing I haven't cared about before XD But I got up on the horse again and didn't fall off after that! It was actually pretty fun ^^ But I think that I still got some sand between my teeth XD But that stuff you have to take when you're dealing with horses ^^ But for know.. I think I'm gonna stick to what I do best XD Writing and drawing! I think you guys would appriciate that more! XD Not gonna give up on writing or drawing I promise!

Actually I had really fun with my friend this two days ^^ We watched Hellboy 2 together and that was really fun! She agreed with me that it was much better than the first movie! And that you miss Johann Krauss in the gang XD I guess more people agree with us! Well well.. Then we watched "Cloudy with a chanse of Meatballs".. It was better than I thought XD And the mainrole was SO cute! Don't you agree? You who have seen this movie? He is really cute right XD? Oh well! But I didn't like how it was animated but that is a fact that you can ignore because it was really funny! See it in English you stupid Swedish people! XD After that we looked a little at Miyavi on HEY, you know the one when he is driftin off to his own world and the programleader must shout "MIAVI!" to get him back on track again XD? Yeah! That one! Wich was really fun. Then we watched a little at funny moments Gazette(she really loves Gazette) and then we watched Oresama... ... GREATEST MOVIE THIS WEEK!!! It was really funny but really nice as well and a movie with Miyavi.. NEVER wrong though he is really gorgeus XD I've seen that movie three times in two days, the beginning seven times and I'm not getting tired of it! It is on youtube everyone! Not that great english sub but.. It is there XD I love that movie!

God what a lot of text o.O Well.. I'm just gonna mention this again here XD If you've visit my homepage resently you should notice that everything is gone. My story, my novel, my pictures. It has come to this... Internet is a dangerous place and if you're not carefull someone can steal your work and claim them as your own. That's why I've removed everything to prevent that from happening. I'm gonna put in some new stuff soon but right now... You have to wait a little bit XD You all know that I'm writing and drawing a lot so.. You just have to be patient ^^ Next collection is gonna be more fabulus than the previous one and the stories is getting more scary and... I really need one to translate my writing to swedish.. Someone who'll valounter? Anyone?

Oh! And I'm thinking about changing my blog though it's really boring to choose a LM.C song to every entry I put up here.. It was fun in the begnning but now.. I think no one notices either XD No one cares anymore so... Thinking of that!

Friday 17 September 2010

Crazy a Go Go

OMG... I'm so nervous.. Tomorrow I will be photographed... Gonna show the world visual kei style... I'm so nervous that I can not eat o.o My stomach is turning itself in agony for the hunger but yet I can't seem to get a bite of food. It just feels like I'm going to throw up everyime I put something in my mouth... God.. This is horrible. I'm really looking forward to when it's over XD I've torn myself apart for this photoshoot! I've sewed my own shirt and stuff so.. It turned out really great by the way! .. but the stress o.o Good God! It's tomorrow! Yatta XD ... I don't feel very good o.o haven't eaten on the whole day, it could be the reason.. Now the clock is 12.25 here in sweden.. The sun is shining for those who want to know XD And wish me good luck tomorrow! Probably gonna be so nervous I'm striking stiff poses the whole time -.- ... Or I'm gonna faint because of the eating problem XD Yeah...

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Bell the Cat

Hi everybody that continues to read my blog! Arigatou gozaimasu minasa! XD

Ok! I assure you that I'm not going to talk japanese in this blog. However, I'm going to mix swedish and english in this blog though I wanna talk about Disney movies XD The old ones! And I wanted to tell you som of my favourite parts and the quotes is going to be in swedish. I've only seen them in swedish XD I like it that way!

Yesterday I saw Aladdin! And today I was thinking.. I want to see it again o.O That is one good movie! .. The original anyway.. I've noticed that in the DVD version they've changed the text on the first song! At least in the swedish version! And that irritates me so.. REALLY much! the original text is: "O jag har sett ett land och en frammande plats och kameler i karavan, o dar oga for oga och tand for en tand var den lag som man var van" they've changed it to: "O jag har sett ett land, och en frammande plats och kameler i karavan, I ett landskap av sand Branner hettan ibland, aven for den som ar van" I mean.. WTF?! Keep it to the original please!

Yeah.. Apart from that... I love Jafar's voice in the swedish version! It's that.. smooth, disgusting voice that really suits him and gosh i love it! Wich made me a little disapointed to the sequal though that voice is.. awful >< For him! It sounds so.. light XD Jafar is suppose to have a dark disgusting voice! XD Yeah...

And I was not suppose to complain in this blog ><

I like the part where Jafar resently have been discovered as traitor by prince Ali XD And then him and Jago(Sorry for my bad spelling on these names >< But you know what I mean XD) is in that tower and Jago goes like: "Vi packar! Vi drar! Bara det nodvandigaste! He?! Den har bilden! Jag ser konstig ut tycker jag!" and then Jafar like flipps out and starts laughing like hell XD Oh! That's SO funny! And of course I love all the parts with "anden"... No idea what you call him on english o.O That blue figure that can make three wishes come true XD Yeah.. Him! Everybody loves him! "Otroligt! Jag forlorar mot en matta!" And the part wich has got stuck in my mind: "Titta! Titta bara! Jag blir sa lack sa jag ruggar!" and: "jag orkar inge mer nu! Maste jag halla pa och trycka i mig en till san dar mogglig diskblaskig kexbit!" The last one is really popular at my work XD You know when Jago complains about the sultan's crackers XD *sigh* I love that movie.. SHIVERS XD

The other movie I saw yesterday was Little Mermaid. Once again there is a voice there that I love.. Ursula... Her voice is.. Grr! "Och titta pa mig nu, tynat bort till nastan ingenting." She makes that role so good! And what the PIP is wrong with her laughs in the DVD version o.O?! They've changed it so much >< Every laugh is a disaster! Argh... frustrated! Well! My favourite part in this movie is the one where Triton tells Ariel that she should not be in love with a human, I actually got goosebumbs when this part came in the movie! OMG! "Jag tycker jag ar en bra havsgud. Jag bestammer vissa regler och jag forvantar mig att de ska atfoljas! Ar det sant att du raddade en manniska fran att drukna?" ... Love it! "Ma gudarna hjalpa mig Ariel men jag ska fa dig att forta och om det har ar enda sattet... ma det ske!"

But they've also made changes in that movie too >< Hate it! It destroy half the movie! Leave it alone OK!

P.S I was wrong in my other blog about Derek Landy XD I missunderstood one thing and that he didn't allow spams in his comments on his blogs. You can comment all you want :P Sorry everybody! D.S

Thursday 9 September 2010

Space Wannabiez

Wait wait! I'm sorry about this in the middle of things XD But! Derek Landy specificly said not to post comment on his blog posts... Right? Then... *checking out comment inbox* How does it come that he has over 1000 comments on that specific blogpost XD It's just.. I don't.. What XD? Does anybody read his posts or do they just comment randomly? ... I don't get it.. Hey! You who all comment on him can come here and comment to me XD I want comments! Love comments XD

Oh! Speaking of Derek Landy! I wanna talk to him! Really much! I have some ideas for cast list if he is doing his books to movies. I know who is perfect for the role as Skulduggery Pleasant! At least his voice XD ... Danny Elfman... Perfect! Love it XD Now keep it that way! But that's not all I wanna talk to him about.. I got so much more XD Writer to writer... Damn! I wanna go to Dublin, seek him out for just a talk.. I like him XD He writes REALLY good! o.o I know a lot of people can agree to me XD

Sorry for this post about Derek, but... I've just finished reading Dark Days and I've just bought Mortal Coil as well XD Can't wait to read it! Although I have to wait a little for I have some ergant things to do -.- ... My own stories for example. Oh well! Soon my friends! Soon!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Boys & Girls

I dreamt of him last night... Talk about pain! Why am I allways going back to guys -.- All they give is pain...

Monday 6 September 2010

Ningyo no namida

This is not a good day for me...

Friday 3 September 2010

Funny Phantom

I beat my record at Tetris today! ^^ And I'm really happy today! Don't know why o.O I'm just happy ^^ Happy happy happy! Yay! XD

My record now is 34840 points at level 10 XD Wow... I'm getting better and better every time! But it sure gets harder and harder o.o They're moving very fast!

... I don't hnave any COLA today o.o!! My stomach was feeling bad from all the cola I drank last week so I was thinking on put it down for a while.. REally hard work XD

Thursday 2 September 2010

In my Dream

I dreamt... Think it was a nightmare o.O But I was kind of happy in the dream.. I dreamt that I was with my father and his new family and I did not feel comfortable being there. So I esscaped and ran off in the woods, but his family was after me.. So I cut myself in the legs, two cuts at both legs, I even let the little knife get stuck in my flesh. I did this so that I would have to go to a doctor where they couldn't follow and the doctor just looked at me with a weird look on his face. think he was surprised that I could sit there and be so calm, my legs were bleeding like hell. He removed the knife and then put on bandages and then let me go. The doctor was also surprised by the knife in my leg but did not comment on that. After that I woke up o.o

Talk about weird dream! The stranges thing was that I couldn't feel any pain when I cut myself XD

Wednesday 1 September 2010

There is Life - Alison Krauss (Intro in Bambi 2)

Under the snow
Beneth the frozen streams
There is life

You'll have to know
When nature sleeps she dreams
There is life

And the colder the winter
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow
The more our hearts sing

Even when you can't see it
Inside everything
There is Life...


After the Rain
The sun will reappear
There is life

After the pain
The joy will still be here
There is life

For it's out of the darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That songs come to be

And all that we dream of
Awaits patently
There is life

There is life

Chemical King Twoon

"You know I like Hillery Clinton I don't care what anyone says..."

That's just a quote XD For me it is.. I like Bambi 2 no matter what anyone says. I think the beginning is great! I love the song and that they begin with everything comes to life after winter. It's a really beautiful beginning!
And they have put on some humour to the movie as well and they've really put a thought to the movie this time instead of their usual mistakes to just do a second movie without thinking of the first. They've put up the usual drawings of the first movie, thought of the animals movement like they did in the first one and the lightning is good too! They've thought about the music in the first movie too and I can hear some resemblents in the second movie... Although.. In the first movie they put up more thought of the music like that one... when it's raining, the voices is making the sound of the wind and the dropps. That's one thing they don't do in the second movie. But still! It's a good movie XD

I watched it yesterday and the second it stopped I wanted to see it again. I love that scene... first scene with the hunter and the dog "I'm here! It's me! Hello!" I love it! It gives me shivers XD It's so thought through.. you know? That scene is great!