Tuesday 3 August 2010

Loud Mucker Complex

Today I've cleaned my room XD I've orginized all my pictures! From 2007 to 2010 and put all those in seperate mapps XD But I thew away more from 2007 because..... They were so awful! But I kept little things from then because well.. I loved those pictures then and looking at them now I just laugh XD But isn't that what it is suppose to be like? It's really funny ^^ But no matter how much I threw away.... The things still can't fit in my drawer -.- That's really frustrating.

And I also got my new logo to my site XD What do you think of it? It's my hands by the way :P I just love hands. They're really bautiful.. If they're long and small. I really like those hands. But my friend has even more beautiful hands than me! She has longer fingers and smaller than mine and they're SO bautiful XD Yeah... That's why I decided to have hands as my logo. Because I love them ^^

Although, it didn't quiet turn out as I wished. I wanted, you know the white hands in "About me", those I wanted at one side of "Look for Kagi" and the dark hands at the other side, but... I didn't know how to move the picture to the other side. And as far as I can see... You can't. Oh well! But that worked out nicely too, right ^^?

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