Friday 27 August 2010

It's wonderful wonder world

I feel so happy today :P Don't know what it is or anything I'm just... Happy ^^ My english is better today! So.. Think I can write something better today XD Yay! Things are not turning out that great for me... Still unemployed.. I'm not feeling to write anything.. The thing I did write yesterday was a mess -.- But! My sewing is turning out better XD I still don't know what I want to work with before I get my author thing going... It's frustrating! And it's nagging down under my skin and it doesn't make me feel pretty well, no no.. Not at all! But I'm starting to work this monday just for three weeks though.. But I'm saving money so I can visit ViiDee ^^ Even if he don't want to see me I want to see him XD I still like him a lot. And I think that I will for a long time forward. Lots of people consider him lucky, to have someone like me like him :P Ok! I'm not gonna talk about ViiDee anymore XD I promise! It's just... He's lovely.

Oh well! What should we talk about... The weather? It's creazy weather! First it's sun! Then it's cloud! Then it's cold! Then it's warm! .. It's officialy crazy weather! It is XD I promise!

Thursday 26 August 2010

Love Me

I will never forget you...

Punky Heart

I just have to say something.. It's something I heard from the Tyra Banks Show (great show btw!) for a couple of days ago. Don't really know when but it was a while ago. They were talking about the community, about black people and big people(I'm not here to offend anyone if you think so, I never do). And there was this woman who said that she had been on an audition for an TV show or something.. I think it was a TV show. And she said that the director didn't want to give her the role she was applying for because she was black. At least I think it was that reason... But! Anyway.. And she was really mad about that so she went on some sort of strike and did not watch TV for a while... At least that's how I remember it. You who saw the show knows what I'm talking about... But the main thing you need to know is that she went on a strike because she didn't get that part.

I say that is totally... unnecessary because every movie or I think show comes from a book, a serie or something. And there the writer has allready decided if the role is a black person or big or thin or white or anything really. So I think it's just wrong to get upset about that because, well it would seem wrong if the person in the book is white and then appear to the TV serie black. It would be like if Edward in Twilight would be white in the books but in the movies he would be black. So it was just wrong for her to react that way because.. well.. I'm just gonna repeat me here but I hope you see my point and I think what I wanna say with this post is....

Don't get too upset if the director says no to you because of your color skin or body type because they already have set a type of figure they are after. It's not your wrong, it's just try to do another show or movie or anything that hasn't that sertain type. Ok? Don't get too upset of anything that isn't your fault.

(Sorry, my english is a little bad today)

Sunday 22 August 2010

Sentimental Piggy Romance

Sorry for all the harsh, cursing words. I'll stop with it after this message.

Do you have to be a mormon to talk to people these days? Maybe I should just stop... My effort doesn't really matter anyway. I should just cut the ties with all my friends.. They're not friends! They're just people waiting around for me to pick them as my love girl. Well fuck you! "Everything or nothing"... I've heard it before. And I don't talk to that person anymore. Maybe I should suffocate my feelings deep inside and stop talking to you too. "You can't have anough friends" they say... Friends you don't have sex with! So we're not good enough in this modern world. Go fuck yourself! I can't love everyone! If you expect that much from me just... Go. Leave me be! You're killing me with your "you are not my girlfriend so you can't make me feel better". It's riddiculus! So.. Leave me alone. Don't track down on me when I can't help you. Sucker...

Thursday 19 August 2010

Bokura no Mirai

Hello.. I haven't been written here in a long time. I'm pretty tired right now but I don't wanna go to sleep. Julien is lying beside me in my bed... I think he's starting to get tired of me constantly sewing clothes for him :P Think he's waiting to do some posing for me. Well, soon enough! When the weather is where I want it and the right place... I want to take him to my summer place and do some photo shoots there, it's entirely nature and it's beautiful too. I want to shoot him there and nowhere else.. Although.. there is a bit of a problem with it being a summer place really. Not something you visit in the autumn -.- Well.. I'll probably find somewhere nice here too. I hope so anyway. Or else you'll have to wait a long time before you see more picures of my dear Julien ^^ Well! ... I forgot what I was about to say o.o Mihi! ViiDee just signed in XD Probably for just a minute or so but still.. It took my thoughts away for a while XD He's so cute! Oh well! Bye!

Thursday 12 August 2010


Well that was a waste of time...

It just reminded me why I don't like doctors. The only thing they say was, there's nothing wrong with you. I'M IN PAIN! Do something abour it!

Ok.. They did say that it wasn't the heart, and I knew that. My bloodpresure is fine so that's good... But I still don't know why I'm in pain! He suggested that it was the muscles but we don't know for sure -.- That's really irritating!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

My Girl

Going to the doctor today. Because of my chestpains. I hope it goes well.

I chosed the song My Girl because it was my favourite song from the album Gemmical Impact.

Tuesday 10 August 2010


It's the 10th August ^^ It is! It says so on my computer! Tuesday 10 aug, 10.11.... Yeah ^^ This is a happy day!

Yesterday I kind of fixed Julien I had an idea and it seemed to work. But I should be careful with him still o.o Although I think I can do pictures with him in my home ^^ But still... Gonna be careful with him.. He's fragile o.o But I'll soon buy my other Luts so.. It will somehow workout! I hope.... It's a sad story! Mmm!

Sunday 8 August 2010


I'm feeling a little better now ^^ At least happier... I'm not as much by the computer as I used to be. Don't know why o.O Seems to me like I allways want to be with my family ^^ I've become much more social than I used to be. Which is really good and I think it's good for the people I am around. And also, I don't seem to be so much addicted to roleplay anymore. So that's good too! I don't become so grumpy when I not roleplay, so... yeah! I'm getting better ^^ Also I can concentrate on my novels more when I'm not roleplaying XD Everytime I feel like roleplay I'm gonna write a little novel instead. So maybe you're gonna read a lot of novels in the future XD

And I've decided that I'm gonna do a seperate webpage for my novels. No more writing in blogs ^^ It gets so.. I don't know XD trashie? trashy? Whatever! It doesn't look good :P Ok? I think I've found a page which makes it look good. Yeah.... So that's what I was gonna say...

Julien doesn't seem to be any help for at the moment but I've contacted Luts so they'll probebly fix it... And I'm going to the doctor on Thursday so if I don't write in this blog for a while you know what has happened... Only I hope it is not the end for me yet o.O I pretty much doubt it but... You can't be too sure XD

ViiDee is coming home in two days ^^ Yay!

pOly LifE

Julien is broken.

My Luts doll is broken. His hand won't fit into place. It's a bad sad...

And this has not been a good day for me.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Loud Mucker Complex

Today I've cleaned my room XD I've orginized all my pictures! From 2007 to 2010 and put all those in seperate mapps XD But I thew away more from 2007 because..... They were so awful! But I kept little things from then because well.. I loved those pictures then and looking at them now I just laugh XD But isn't that what it is suppose to be like? It's really funny ^^ But no matter how much I threw away.... The things still can't fit in my drawer -.- That's really frustrating.

And I also got my new logo to my site XD What do you think of it? It's my hands by the way :P I just love hands. They're really bautiful.. If they're long and small. I really like those hands. But my friend has even more beautiful hands than me! She has longer fingers and smaller than mine and they're SO bautiful XD Yeah... That's why I decided to have hands as my logo. Because I love them ^^

Although, it didn't quiet turn out as I wished. I wanted, you know the white hands in "About me", those I wanted at one side of "Look for Kagi" and the dark hands at the other side, but... I didn't know how to move the picture to the other side. And as far as I can see... You can't. Oh well! But that worked out nicely too, right ^^?

Rock the LM.C

So! Updated my background XD I got kind of tired of that green one -.- So now I changed it! Not too colorfull and more to that mysterious piece which is more me XD Don't you think? .... Not o.O? Okay then... I should probably change the backround for my webpage... I have an idea of an icon for the page so... I'm on my way ^^ I started to test a little on what the text of the page would look like... Well.. I suck at coming up with a cool text XD So... It will probably just be that text I have now.