Monday 19 July 2010

The Midnight Museum 4

Ok! Now I know what to talk about!

Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp by Tim Burton

IT SUCKED!!!! The worse movie I've seen in years! Yeah! It was! It sucked like hell! (sorry for all the fans out there)

If you haven't seen it yet and want to see it you shouldn't read this..

Johnny Depp could've done a better job with that character(Even I could've done it better!)

The clipp work in that ovie was totally FUCKED UP!

The story wasn't so good either(or the movie couldn't present the story that well)

The make up wasn't good either! They managed to make a beautiful girl very ugly.. I mean what the hell o.O Anne Hathaway is usually so beautiful in every movie I've seen her in.. And then we come to this one and she lookes like someone puked on her! The makeup wasn't that great -.-

What's up with the queens head being big?! What did that have to do with anything in the movie? It seemed to me like it was just a added part just to be funny. (And I didn't think Helena boham Carter suited for the part because she can't scream very loud. The queen is a loud big person and that is not Helena Boham Carter)

And why is the card soldier orange o.O? They are cards! They're suppose to be white!

The script on Alice lines wasn't good either! I mean.. If you think about it she doesn't have any lines except "This is my dream and I can do what I want in it" ... That's it! And I don't know if it was bad acting or bad script or something like that but she was stiff o.o Very stiff!

And in the end it just became Narnia of everything with Alices armor and the war and the one final fight and the big fight beside that which you don't see ANYTHING of..

And I HATE it when they put.. in the whole movie they're talking about this final fight.. And it only lasts for five seconds! What kind of fight is that o.O?!

And the design of the dragon is totally fucked up! He didn't need those front legs! He walked with his wings and he didn't scratch Alice with them or anything like that! Totally unecessary!

And when they made her grow the first time.. I mean.. What's up with the animated stuff?! Trickfilming should've been much better for that part! No animation there though it seems very... weird o.O it looks weird!

This is just a disturbens on my part and not so important really but.. Did the dragon really had to talk -.-? I mean really? It would've have been much more threatening if it didn't talk... And come on! I don't know what they were thinking when they made this movie.. -.-

I think that was all the bad things I noticed in the movie.. Ok! Shall we go to the things I did like?

Chess did a great work. Although the cat is purple and not blue, but.. You can overlook that. He had the lines perfectly he resembled the cat from the cartoon Alice so that was good(liked the idea with the blue-gray smoke around him when he disappeared.

The crazy bunny... LOVED HIM! He was really special and I liked that character ^^

And even though Anne Hathaway had bad makeup she did a great job acting! I liked that part on her. She did it great ^^

... And I think that was it.. 12 things I hated about the movie and 3 things I liked. Yay!

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