Saturday 31 July 2010


It started with: "I wanna see a movie with powerful music in it." XD I wanted to see Brother Bear because the music in that movie is pretty powerful! Although there was the problem with me not having that movie -.- I didn't want to se any movie with Danny Elfman because his music is filled with wonders but it's not as powerful... And then it became to two movies that I had: Van Helsing or Stardust. I choose Stardust XD The music in that movie is pretty powerful! It's pretty funny how I chose a movie to watch XD Well.... At least I think so.

Yesterday... It wasn't a good day for me. It was Maya's birtheay and I wanted to celebrate it like I always do........ or made me celebrate it. I woke up thinking "I don't wanna celebrate Maya's birthday today" but.. I've done it in suck a long time so I made myself celebrate it. I started with watching they're comment that has english subtitle on it XD And then I was stuck! I watched they're videos, Ghost Heart, Punky Heart, 88, John, Chemical King Twoon, Making of Chemical King Twoon(and this time I understood more of it than I did the first time so that was funny to watch ^^) But then I just listened to their music, sang to the music and sew.. Then I was with my mother for a while and went out with my dog and then watched Frost with mother and... Yeah XD I really celebrated Mayas birthday great! But! I left him a message at their Myspace Page XD

But! What's really interesting is that when I woke up I couldn't log in to msn. Well... emesene really since I don't have msn anymore :P So that was a bit frustrating. And then I was at this site where my friend and I got into a small fight. So that made me just feel worse. And someone misstook my words for being harsh when I told him to shut up, I just wanted him to stop talk about a specific topic and when he did not do that I told him to shut up about it. He took it like I didn't want him to say anything. But I explained it to him and I think we're good o.O But I don't know.. It's a bit confusing at that part..

I'm hoping this day will be better and I'm hoping that Maya had a better day than I had :P

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