Saturday, 31 July 2010


It started with: "I wanna see a movie with powerful music in it." XD I wanted to see Brother Bear because the music in that movie is pretty powerful! Although there was the problem with me not having that movie -.- I didn't want to se any movie with Danny Elfman because his music is filled with wonders but it's not as powerful... And then it became to two movies that I had: Van Helsing or Stardust. I choose Stardust XD The music in that movie is pretty powerful! It's pretty funny how I chose a movie to watch XD Well.... At least I think so.

Yesterday... It wasn't a good day for me. It was Maya's birtheay and I wanted to celebrate it like I always do........ or made me celebrate it. I woke up thinking "I don't wanna celebrate Maya's birthday today" but.. I've done it in suck a long time so I made myself celebrate it. I started with watching they're comment that has english subtitle on it XD And then I was stuck! I watched they're videos, Ghost Heart, Punky Heart, 88, John, Chemical King Twoon, Making of Chemical King Twoon(and this time I understood more of it than I did the first time so that was funny to watch ^^) But then I just listened to their music, sang to the music and sew.. Then I was with my mother for a while and went out with my dog and then watched Frost with mother and... Yeah XD I really celebrated Mayas birthday great! But! I left him a message at their Myspace Page XD

But! What's really interesting is that when I woke up I couldn't log in to msn. Well... emesene really since I don't have msn anymore :P So that was a bit frustrating. And then I was at this site where my friend and I got into a small fight. So that made me just feel worse. And someone misstook my words for being harsh when I told him to shut up, I just wanted him to stop talk about a specific topic and when he did not do that I told him to shut up about it. He took it like I didn't want him to say anything. But I explained it to him and I think we're good o.O But I don't know.. It's a bit confusing at that part..

I'm hoping this day will be better and I'm hoping that Maya had a better day than I had :P

Friday, 30 July 2010

Thursday, 29 July 2010


Now I'm gonna complain a little XD I've stood silent for a long time now and.. Now I gotta say something before my heart exploads in my chest(it feels like it's a time-ticking bomb or something)

About this fucked up version of how grown ups should behave. I'm nineteen years old and still watch movies for children. Like.. Disney and Dreamworks and movies like that... And.. Everyone(ok not everyone but two people I know) says that "It's immature to watch childrens movies when you're 19" and I'm like... "Where the hell does it says that I can't watch Disney when I'm ninteen? Is it in some kind of bible for grown ups? Like: "How you should behave when you reach a sertain age"?" I mean... Let me ask you this: What is being grown up for you? Is it.. Party all night, drink until you puke, and get in bed with a stranger? Because that's what you do! You go to a party you can't even remember because you drank to much.. And then you brag about how much you drink? I mean come on! THAT is being immature!

Isn't being grown up suppose to be about taking responsibilities for your actions and no matter what always be yourself and not to be someone elses shadow? That's what I think. At least that is what grown up used to stand for. But now... I mean what twisted mind decided that you have to drink alcohol when you're 15? It's sick and fucked up! Can't you hear yourself talking for Gods sake?!

Watching Disney is something I like to do and the only thing I'm thinking about is that I'm gonna be a kick ass mother for being so funny and can watch childrens movies and even quote them! And what kind of mothers are you going to be? Alcoholists? Drunk mothers who only screams at their child? Mothers who doesn't want their children to be children but want them to be grown ups already at 5 years old? What kind of sick twisted community is that?

I just want to open your eyes because you sound like stupid kids who are jealous of me because I'm strong enough to be myself. I'm not saying that's the case. It only sounds like it. So please... Don't say to me again that I'm being immature just because I can be myself. It's just... Unnecessary and a waste of words.

This is what I think. So.. Yeah.. That's what I had to say today. Bye for now!

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Boys & Girls

I read SuGs blogs today XD ..... Well Takerus and Yuijis and Chiyus anyway XD They're so cute! Love Chiyu o.o!

XD .... What?!

Doggy want~
... YAY!

XD So funny! I've got SuG on my brain! I got Yuijis laughter in my head o.O It's so cute XD Mah! I haven't yet watched gr8 story yet o.o Gotta do that when I get home! Yeah yeah! "Kora wa nani? Ah fashion checku! Oh! yeah yeah!" XD Yuiji is SO cute! And Chiyu is cute too! "KALEFORNIA!" o.O Eh? *<--- look like Takeru when they say he have forgotten something under the shooting of Scheat video*

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Loud Mucker Complex

Oh! I'm so tired -.- Yesterday I sew to my doll.... It didn't work out quite as I wanted XD Although.. I think I'll get it right... But that'll be for another time.. I think I'll start with the next project, to sew a kimono to him. Just so that I can show him to everybody ^^ Everyone want to see him ;P
He also got a necklace! But it was just a chain but still ^^ He got some jewellry :P But I think I'll get back to the store and buy more jewelry stuff to him. It was really funny to work on it ^^ Really! So... Yeah... I'll work on jewelries for a while ^^ Much better than fabric XD Well.. That's it for today o.O I think this is the last time I'll be working at my work alone... And then vacation ^^ Yay!

Monday, 19 July 2010

The Midnight Museum 4

Ok! Now I know what to talk about!

Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp by Tim Burton

IT SUCKED!!!! The worse movie I've seen in years! Yeah! It was! It sucked like hell! (sorry for all the fans out there)

If you haven't seen it yet and want to see it you shouldn't read this..

Johnny Depp could've done a better job with that character(Even I could've done it better!)

The clipp work in that ovie was totally FUCKED UP!

The story wasn't so good either(or the movie couldn't present the story that well)

The make up wasn't good either! They managed to make a beautiful girl very ugly.. I mean what the hell o.O Anne Hathaway is usually so beautiful in every movie I've seen her in.. And then we come to this one and she lookes like someone puked on her! The makeup wasn't that great -.-

What's up with the queens head being big?! What did that have to do with anything in the movie? It seemed to me like it was just a added part just to be funny. (And I didn't think Helena boham Carter suited for the part because she can't scream very loud. The queen is a loud big person and that is not Helena Boham Carter)

And why is the card soldier orange o.O? They are cards! They're suppose to be white!

The script on Alice lines wasn't good either! I mean.. If you think about it she doesn't have any lines except "This is my dream and I can do what I want in it" ... That's it! And I don't know if it was bad acting or bad script or something like that but she was stiff o.o Very stiff!

And in the end it just became Narnia of everything with Alices armor and the war and the one final fight and the big fight beside that which you don't see ANYTHING of..

And I HATE it when they put.. in the whole movie they're talking about this final fight.. And it only lasts for five seconds! What kind of fight is that o.O?!

And the design of the dragon is totally fucked up! He didn't need those front legs! He walked with his wings and he didn't scratch Alice with them or anything like that! Totally unecessary!

And when they made her grow the first time.. I mean.. What's up with the animated stuff?! Trickfilming should've been much better for that part! No animation there though it seems very... weird o.O it looks weird!

This is just a disturbens on my part and not so important really but.. Did the dragon really had to talk -.-? I mean really? It would've have been much more threatening if it didn't talk... And come on! I don't know what they were thinking when they made this movie.. -.-

I think that was all the bad things I noticed in the movie.. Ok! Shall we go to the things I did like?

Chess did a great work. Although the cat is purple and not blue, but.. You can overlook that. He had the lines perfectly he resembled the cat from the cartoon Alice so that was good(liked the idea with the blue-gray smoke around him when he disappeared.

The crazy bunny... LOVED HIM! He was really special and I liked that character ^^

And even though Anne Hathaway had bad makeup she did a great job acting! I liked that part on her. She did it great ^^

... And I think that was it.. 12 things I hated about the movie and 3 things I liked. Yay!

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Mr. Century

*sigh* Okey! Morning... 6.48 am... I have no mood to go work right now. I want to do things for my doll o.o I'm trying to do a coat to him and it's probably gonna be great XD But I don't know o.o I'm doing the best I can. I have been in a mood for drawing but... When I get home from work I'm usually so tired -.- I hate this! I wanna spend all my time of drawing and writing XD Meow... I have no idea what to write here today o.o Hmm... I've named my doll! And his name is Julien ^^ He is so beautiful! And I think he's having doubts in me or something o.O He doesn't seem to trust me very well XD He still seem to wonder wether I'm a nice person or a bad person :P

I took him to my friend Rosuto and... He was really tired when we got home XD She loves Luts dolls and she wanted to sew something for him so.. she played with him a lot XD And all he wanted to do was watching the movies :P But he didn't see Doll Master! No no no! I'm not putting up any ideas in his head XD But I think he enjoyed Silent Hill o.O He didn't take his eyes from it and didn't complain or anything :P Think I'm going to have a weekened off when only me and Julien is hanging out. That would be really fun ^^ And I'm gonna try and sew more clothes to him XD

I am weird, but think about it... This is only normal for those who owns a Ball-Joint doll.

Friday, 16 July 2010


Can’t believe I’m up this early o.O It’s half past seven! And it’s satturday -.- But I couldn’t go back to sleep no matter how hard I tried... So.. Now I’m up! Hungry as hell too... I want breakfast! But.. Isn’t it too early to eat breakefast o.O? I mean.. On a satturday XD Usually I eat brakefast for about twenty to seven in the morning.. When I work XD Guess I haven’t get used to not going up that early in the morning -.- That sucks!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Sentimental Piggy Romance

My mother is all about naming my Luts XD She asks me every time I mention him if I've picked out a name yet, and... I haven't yet... It's hard though a name is something personal. I'm gonna try give him a name today... Yesterday I didn't have much time to be with him, but.. I won't do anything special today so ^^ I think I'll be with him and naming him and brush his hair... I haven't tried out one of the wigs yet o.o Feel panic XD Gotta see if he's good with it on! but, yeah.. I'm gonna do that AFTER work -.- I wanna go home now XD

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

In my Dream

I picked up my boy this afternoon.
It was some problem with the tull on the way here but it turned out great in the end.
I walked with him to the train, then to the buss..
Sat with him beside me on the spot marked for children (permabulator) and then walked him to my home.
My dog was curious of him and my boy seemed to be a little scared of him(he's so big compared to him) but I saved him from the beast.
He looked surprised, but we're friends.
He wanted to show me what he could do, he wanted to show how beautiful he could be and pleas me though I've dreamt about him for so long.. and I got to tell you...
He's better than I could've hoped for.

I've got my Luts!!

... with VAMPIRE

Sometimes I just wanna amputate my whole body because the one i got know is a wrack!

Well.. I have like a injury on my heal bacause of new shoes(Oh! The horror!) and part of my skin has been ripped off because of this so.. You can tell that it hurts XD Although.. Every night I take off the bandate(it still bleeds and I don't want to get it infected so.. I came up with a quick sulution: bandate over the day and I take it off when I go to bed) but I have no idea where the bandates are at home o.o I think they are in mums room but she's asleep when I go to my job so XD Can't really go in there and wake her up. So I go to job without a bandate(we have/had those at the job) and when I get to job I see my socks are covered in blood XD (over doing it) And today I took the last bandate in the box so... Tomorrow I won't have any bandate :P Thinking of buying it on my way home from work today... What do you think XD?

And it's hot! I live in Stockholm in Sweden so here it's 30 degrees outside o.O It's horrible to work in this heat! And I can't eat choclate >< It melts after 10 seconds! So I can't eat it o.o It's horrible! Think the weather is... what's the word? Compensate? The weather from the winter, though it was so cold there, so now it's so hot in the summer! you know I believe in the balance :p Everything must have a balance to work. like.. You can't be happy if you don't get sad and.. It can't get cold unless it gets warm.. It can't be freezy without being hot XD And haven't I proved that I'm right o.O?

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Ghost Heart

Both me and my dog dreamt a nightmare last night.

My dream was about when I moved out. I had a nice appartment and twoo cats, one black and one white with grey spots. It was night and I was about to go to bed I think.. And I heard a bump and then the cats were acting scared and angry. Then I heard a smash and a woman screaming. Then there was a man screaming two words at her(can't remember what it was) and I got really scared and I knew it was the neighbours and I started to think that maybe he would come to my place and hit me.. So I got really scared and then I woke up and I felt my heart beat very fast. It was pretty scary...

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Buck-Tick - Sapphire

ai to shi no nioi wa romantic naru kaze
(romantic more roma...)
kyouki. muchi arui wa lunatic naru yume
(lunatic more luna...)

Shine. seinaru yonurasu Rain. shizuku o abi ki ga fureta

yubi to me to shita de erotic naru kimi
(erotic more ero...)
hikaru me wa sapphire grotesque naru kage
(grotesque more gro...)

Shine. seinaru kuchizuke o Rain. shinu hodo tada machiwabiru
(Don't let me down. Take me to the end of the night...)

sapphire no me urundeiru tsuki no hatori nite
aoshiroku mune moto tsuki no hikari nite...

Shine. seinaru kuchizuke o Rain. shinu hodo tada...
ore wa mou anata no sekai de yume miru eien ni
(Don't let me down. Take me to the end of the night...)

sapphire no me urundeiru tsuki no hatori nite
aoshiroku mune moto tsuki no hikari nite...


Someone called me a bad roleplayer today.. That has never happened before... It made me really sad. So.. Am I? Is it so that I even can't write stories? Am I really bad at writing?

Maple Leaf

Why do I feel so damn lonely?!

Friday, 9 July 2010

~A Sound Odyssey~

No wonder I love that song XD Yuuwaku is really great! I like it ^^ It reminded me of my novel "Difficult Art".. But they don't really fit XD It's just i like "Difficult Art" so I just find it in everything ^^ but this was really good too!

Buck-Tick - Yuuwaku

With a shard of broken glass, I cut my right hand
Now, please allow me to forget that
Melting into the landscape, what is that precious thing of yours
That was left behind?
Upon waking, I will surely forget
A face like this, warmth like this

The angels I loved, dead Maria
They all took the truth away with them
And again, tonight, it’s tempting me—a lover by name of death
Isn’t it that kind of happiness?
Entangling fingers, towards the hot part of my body
It would be fine if I could make it easy

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?

Ah, I have to run away right now
Ah, I’ll disappear

A song of the temptation of death plays on
Tonight, where should I escape to?

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?
Am I loved? Just like this, to an empty room…

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?
You must kill me; back to you…

Ah, I have to run away right now
Ah, I’ll disappear

A sound Odyssey

Hi again ^^ Here I am.. again.. o.O What the... I'll start over ^^

Konnichiwa minasa!
Ore wa genki desu ^^ Ore wa happy desu XD

ok.. To say that in a language we all can understand, i'm fine ^^ And I'm happy XD Got a answer from ViiDee ^^ So I'm happy! Sorede, eto.. Well.. It's friday XD And it's my last working day this week ^^ Sorede, I'm listening to Buck-Tick XD They are a good band! And I looked up what "Long Distance Call" was about... I don't get it o.O Is the mother sick or is she just going away or... What?! Or is it something with him? Is he sick? Or is he going to be put away just because he did hurt someone? I don't get it.. It's a call to his mother, that much I know, but.. Yeah XD I like the beginning though ^^ And the song is beautiful. I'm gonna continue listening to it XD

Oh! I gotta read what "Yuukawa" is about o.o It's so weird but I love it XD brb!

Buck-Tick - Long distance Call

Are you there? Are you there? You must already be asleep
I'm here, I'm here, sorry, I'm awake now

Yeah, I've got something important to say,
it might even be a funny story, ahh...

Are you there? Are you there? I'll give you a moment
I'm here, I'm here, thanks for listening

We won't be able to see each other for awhile,
so I'll say goodnight
This phone call will be our last, bye...

I love you Mama, and no one else
I love you, I love you, no one else

I love you Mama, I can't speak that well anymore
I love you, I love you, no one else

We won't be able to see each other for awhile,
I'll just say goodnight
This phone call will be our last, bye...

I love you Mama, and no one else
I love you, I love you, no one else

I love you Mama, I can't hear you that well anymore
I love you, I love you, no one else

My heart is breaking, I'm going to go and hurt someone
I won't stop, I won't stop, I'm going

I love you Mama, I can't speak that well anymore
I love you, I love you, no one else

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Yellow Beauty

Haha XD Seems everyone wants to play SuperSmach now after I've nagged about it.. But the game is SO funny! I want a Wii for my birthday so I can play Super Smash o.o!! Want it! Someone with the right money XD?

Monday, 5 July 2010


Tjo! Here I am again, No I haven't died or anything XD

It feels like I haven't written here in weeks o.O But it has only been about a couple of days. I have some things to tell you ^^

Thirsday I talked to Myaki again.. It was really fun! I had missed her vary much and it was good to talk to her again. See how she was doing(even if it wasn't the best) and just.. Talk. It felt nice ^^

Friday, nothing happened... But then on satturday I went to a friend and first we played SuperSmash! And GOD was that funny XD I lost everytime, but I had so much fun anyway! Then we watched Coraline and even though I talked a lot about it he seemed to like it :P But I tried to keep my comments as little as possible so I didn't disturb him or anything. And I did pretty well on that ^^ Then we played some more(I still lost everytime) and when it was time to go to bed I noticed that one of my thumbs were bigger than the other... It had swollen from playing XD You know that stick you move around your character with? It was that one that my thumb wasn't so used to XD It was kind of funny how playing that little could make my thumb swollen. The next day it was still swollen but I still played another game with my friend, the funniest part was this time I won two times XD Hihi! Thank you swollen thumb!

I had a really good time ^^ It was really fun! I want to play SuperSmash again o.o So fun! Someone who can buy me a Wii for birthday present (A)?

Friday, 2 July 2010

Oh my Juliet

Sometimes I think I'm a little too evil...

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Guess what.... I'm gonna draw XD