Wednesday 20 April 2011

A BIG message!

Ok! I've just watched Doug Walkers Top ten WORST Clichés and I'm SO hoping that someone important reads this!

I want to make something clear before he destroys my way of seeing movies! Movies is likeable because they can go to those stories that WON'T happen in the real life! That's why at least I like them! If I wanted to see something that could happen in the real life... I would live it! Movies steps into this other dimension of something unreal and I like that! Because to me life sucks (Sorry, I love living and hoping I could do more of it!) and movies is the thing I watch when I want to step put of reality! If Doug makes such an impact on directors and writors that they don't do this anymore... We wouldn't have fantasy, science fiction, action, animation there is a lot of genres that disappears because of making it more like "this wouldn't happen in the real life".. NO!! Don't do that! Ok?! I want those clichés in movies because they won't happen in the real life! I can't have a romantic life but at least I can get the experience through a movie! I won't be able to see a wonderful world like in Avatar in the real life but I can stil get the experience through a movie! This is why movies where made for Gods sake! If you take that away what do you want to watch movies for?! Just passing time?! NO!

So please! Directors and writers.. Don't listen to him and cut off on those clichés! We love them, that's just his personal opinion! So PLEASE! Don't change anything!

I probably am digging in this too deep, but.. IF some important listen to him, missunderstands his message and does what he wants... I can't live with that... Sorry! I would punch Doug litterary, if he is the cause of that because of his video! I'm hoping to God that no one is taking it seriously, or if they do I'm hoping they'll see my message, I know somebody is reading this blog and if you agree with me.. Put this on your blog too because I think more people need to understand what Movie really stands for!

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