Friday 1 April 2011

April 1 and "Perfume: The story of a Murder"

April 1 is done... Did you survive? You didn't? Aaaw... That's a shame. But isn't it kind of cool to be a ghost? I mean.. You can do so much more! And you're not human so you don't have to restrain yourself to being so polite all the time. You can just be evil without have people stare at you, wondering if they should call the cops or a mental institution. Ah, the dead life... It's so nice to dream about it. ... Well no, because then you have to wake up from that happy scenario and remember that all of that life is an illusion. Just temporary.

But! Enough of that ^^ I've always hated April 1. All those April Fools stuff.. I hate it. I haven't always been tricked, not many people have tried to trick me so I guess that doesn't really count. But when people do.. I turn into a naiv fool who believe everything they say. I usually don't trust people (Hard to believe when I just said that I was naiv like a fool, but yeah! I believe people often and is that a bad thing? I don't think so.) Still! I hate this day. So today I intended to avoid it. It went very well actually! I stayed away from the computer and didn't talk to any of my friends. I explained it to them of course! I explained why I didn't spoke to them for a whole day so we are good ^^

I'm saying a lot about a whole day o.O As I've said before.. I can't keep it short XD But I think I need more to say that has more meaning that all of it above so here it comes....

I'm watching "Perfume: The story of a Murder", I've seen it before and I have to tell you.. I am extremly disappointed on this movie. The story itself I think is good, but I think it's because of bad acting, bad directing and bad ending that got it all screwed up. When I saw the front of the cover I thought about something like.. He was luring his victims with this perfume. Made them come to him, he charmed them and then killed them. The reason I would find out in the movie.. And what did I get? A little boy who didn't know what he was doing and he was just curious! The way he was born was just hillarious and it's the only humor I would understand but kind of set me off because of the title and the front cover. It just didn't fit in my head. But then as the movie goes on I asked myself "what kind of movie is this?" Although it keept my intressest for a long time and that's good. I like some parts but as I said the ending.. What the hell happened?

I'm gonna tell the ending here so if you don't want to know or something like that, don't read more.

Now the TV is showing where he confronts this perfume... guy... What did he do? Tell the recepie for perfumes by smelling them? Anyway! The ending.. Everyone just starts to have sex with each other after smelling this perfume? What the hell is that!? Who the hell came up with that? Was it just like after that person had sex he/she just.. This smells like sweat and sperm... I can make a movie out of this! I mena... Eu! That's just sick! And when he uses the whole bottel they eat him? ... What the... What?! From having lusts they can't controll to hunger? The person who came up with this must have been really twisted while making that up! I mean come on! What the hell happened? The story was really intressting until that part.. It just destroyes it for me. Can't really explain it. It's just a horrible ending. I puke over it! Bluh! Well.. That was that. Now it's commercials and I'm typing the last thing for... tonight. Good night!

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