Wednesday, 20 April 2011

A BIG message!

Ok! I've just watched Doug Walkers Top ten WORST Clichés and I'm SO hoping that someone important reads this!

I want to make something clear before he destroys my way of seeing movies! Movies is likeable because they can go to those stories that WON'T happen in the real life! That's why at least I like them! If I wanted to see something that could happen in the real life... I would live it! Movies steps into this other dimension of something unreal and I like that! Because to me life sucks (Sorry, I love living and hoping I could do more of it!) and movies is the thing I watch when I want to step put of reality! If Doug makes such an impact on directors and writors that they don't do this anymore... We wouldn't have fantasy, science fiction, action, animation there is a lot of genres that disappears because of making it more like "this wouldn't happen in the real life".. NO!! Don't do that! Ok?! I want those clichés in movies because they won't happen in the real life! I can't have a romantic life but at least I can get the experience through a movie! I won't be able to see a wonderful world like in Avatar in the real life but I can stil get the experience through a movie! This is why movies where made for Gods sake! If you take that away what do you want to watch movies for?! Just passing time?! NO!

So please! Directors and writers.. Don't listen to him and cut off on those clichés! We love them, that's just his personal opinion! So PLEASE! Don't change anything!

I probably am digging in this too deep, but.. IF some important listen to him, missunderstands his message and does what he wants... I can't live with that... Sorry! I would punch Doug litterary, if he is the cause of that because of his video! I'm hoping to God that no one is taking it seriously, or if they do I'm hoping they'll see my message, I know somebody is reading this blog and if you agree with me.. Put this on your blog too because I think more people need to understand what Movie really stands for!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

I apologize if you feel abandon

I feel a little... I don't know.. Like I've abandon this page. I know it was only a week ago I posted a post here... Sort of.. But in that I said I forgot to post it.. I have other sites that I write on so I write there. I'm so sorry! I'll try to think of this page as well!

Well! Why I feel like this is that I usually post about movies I've watched and tell you how I feel.... I've watched three movies without telling you what I think about them here! I've done it on other pages but not this one! ... Maybe you don't want to listen to my opinion on those movies but I post it anyway! I posted on that Uwl movie, I posted on Princess and the Frog and Perfume and.. There are a lot of movies on this blog... Maybe I should put a different blog up to tell you what I think about these movies o.O ... Hey, that's an idea... I get another blog to complain about, but maybe I should look into it. I probably WILL miss some things here and there but.. still.

I'll think of it some more. But right now I'm optimistic about it. Or maybe there are too much movie blog already so you don't want one more? I don't know how you think right now so I can't do much about that :P THERE IS A COMENTBUTTON IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS! Yeah! It's right there! Under here! So if you don't say anything... I'm gonna do it! Yeah XD Think about that!

Thursday, 14 April 2011


I forgot to mention something! I knew it... Well! The 12th April I was on the Miyavi concert, no I'm not goiung to talk about it because I've already have. No.. I'm going to talk about my condition. You see, I was worried that my chest would hurt like the last time I was on a concert... But it didn't! I was so happy when I discovered that! I can go on a concert again! Now LM.C can come to Stockholm again and I can enjoy their concert XD .... Please?

I know their recent concerts have been canceled because of everything that has happened in Japan. And I can uncerstand that. I'm not saying that they should be here now! No no.. No one will be happy if they just abandon everyone they care about. I'm saying that they should come to Sweden when they feel ready. I'm hoping they can come here soon because I miss them!

And I feel so bad for Miyavi that had to lissen to girls giggles when he talked about Japan. I was so moved by that speech! It was SO beautiful! Miyavi was worried in his heart for his people and still he didn't cancel his tour and gave us a concert we will never forget and what does he get for a thanks? Disrespectful kids that giggles on a silent moment for everyone who's struggling through all these natural disasters.. I feel so bad for him. But still. It was a good show! Thanks a lot Miyavi!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This perticulary post holds the ending of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer serie. If you don't want to know it and haven't seen it yet, don't read this post!

I love Drusilla. I agree that she is a work of art and the actor plays her really well! Her accent is fake by the way. Most of the characters accent in Buffy are fake. But anyway.. Drusilla. When she was human Angel killed her family. Drusilla had visions even as a human and after Angel killed her family she became closer to her religion. She often heard that the visions vere a curse and therefore she was cursed.
In one scen she talks to Angel who she thinks is a priest at the time and she says that she doesn't want to be bad. That always gets to me because I know how she'll turn up. Angel turns her into a vampire after all this. It's a pure work of art. I'm sorry that I'm so fascinating about this XD But I REALLY love her! She is crazy and what Angel did to her.. It's so well thought. And again.. The actor, love her! Well.. I haven't seen her in anything else but I love her in Buffy. Which the rest of the crew did too because they kept bringing her back (I know this because I'm a nerd and watched every commentary episode) And again I'm sorry if I sound a little creepy but she is so wonderful XD Don't we all love the crazy vampires?

Oh! And I think Drusilla and Spikes love is MUCH better than his and Buffys! He just becomes such a wuz after he falls in love with her XD Nope! He and Drusilla are much better couple! That's my favourite couple by the way.. Theirs and Willow and Tara.. Tara is another lovely character in the Buffy serie. I'm also a fan of Tara :P

Friday, 1 April 2011

April 1 and "Perfume: The story of a Murder"

April 1 is done... Did you survive? You didn't? Aaaw... That's a shame. But isn't it kind of cool to be a ghost? I mean.. You can do so much more! And you're not human so you don't have to restrain yourself to being so polite all the time. You can just be evil without have people stare at you, wondering if they should call the cops or a mental institution. Ah, the dead life... It's so nice to dream about it. ... Well no, because then you have to wake up from that happy scenario and remember that all of that life is an illusion. Just temporary.

But! Enough of that ^^ I've always hated April 1. All those April Fools stuff.. I hate it. I haven't always been tricked, not many people have tried to trick me so I guess that doesn't really count. But when people do.. I turn into a naiv fool who believe everything they say. I usually don't trust people (Hard to believe when I just said that I was naiv like a fool, but yeah! I believe people often and is that a bad thing? I don't think so.) Still! I hate this day. So today I intended to avoid it. It went very well actually! I stayed away from the computer and didn't talk to any of my friends. I explained it to them of course! I explained why I didn't spoke to them for a whole day so we are good ^^

I'm saying a lot about a whole day o.O As I've said before.. I can't keep it short XD But I think I need more to say that has more meaning that all of it above so here it comes....

I'm watching "Perfume: The story of a Murder", I've seen it before and I have to tell you.. I am extremly disappointed on this movie. The story itself I think is good, but I think it's because of bad acting, bad directing and bad ending that got it all screwed up. When I saw the front of the cover I thought about something like.. He was luring his victims with this perfume. Made them come to him, he charmed them and then killed them. The reason I would find out in the movie.. And what did I get? A little boy who didn't know what he was doing and he was just curious! The way he was born was just hillarious and it's the only humor I would understand but kind of set me off because of the title and the front cover. It just didn't fit in my head. But then as the movie goes on I asked myself "what kind of movie is this?" Although it keept my intressest for a long time and that's good. I like some parts but as I said the ending.. What the hell happened?

I'm gonna tell the ending here so if you don't want to know or something like that, don't read more.

Now the TV is showing where he confronts this perfume... guy... What did he do? Tell the recepie for perfumes by smelling them? Anyway! The ending.. Everyone just starts to have sex with each other after smelling this perfume? What the hell is that!? Who the hell came up with that? Was it just like after that person had sex he/she just.. This smells like sweat and sperm... I can make a movie out of this! I mena... Eu! That's just sick! And when he uses the whole bottel they eat him? ... What the... What?! From having lusts they can't controll to hunger? The person who came up with this must have been really twisted while making that up! I mean come on! What the hell happened? The story was really intressting until that part.. It just destroyes it for me. Can't really explain it. It's just a horrible ending. I puke over it! Bluh! Well.. That was that. Now it's commercials and I'm typing the last thing for... tonight. Good night!