Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Minna de.. Asobou

Sorry that I haven't posted here in a while o.o Don't know what came over me... Oh! That's right! Work :P Sorry about that.

Well.. I've told you everything in my homepage on what I'm doing... Also that I got bitten by my dog... And that I'm now hooked to Shugo Chara :P Yeah... Lot have happened but it all is written on my homepage and that's also a reason why I haven't written here.. I haven't got anything to write :P I know I haven't had anything to write in a bunch of posts already but... That has only happened if I was social and wanted someone to talk to... Now I always had been talking to someone and therefore my socialneed has been fullfilled.. I'm sorry.

I can't promise that I will get more active here because that is a promise I know I can't fullfill. But I will try to think, everytime I have something to say that doesn't have to do with work I will post it here.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Hunger talk

The weather seems to be back to normal again! Yay! You see? We CAN make a difference. Seems as the humans try to make the earth better is working!

I'm filled with very deep thoughts right now. It should be better for my writings but.. I don't know what to write. I want to write about disasters, scary things, you know like I use to. But, I already have. I need to write another novel, but.. My ideas that I have now it seems though I have already written about them. My novel collection is about different types of death. I have a art death, I have suicide and I have psycological death. I want to write another psycological death, I know exactly which one... But I have no idea how I'm gonna put it in words! That's kind of irritating. I know the ending, now I have to come up with the story... And damn I am hungry..

I'm going to eat now, but.. I'll be back soon!

Thursday, 6 January 2011


.. Wakane.. Hontou ni wakane!

I have no idea what I'm doing o.o I said I was gonna take it easy for a while, right? Well... This is all my projects now:

My roman (Still haven't come far but I'm more motivated now than I was before)
My novels (Still only have three, had an idea on a fourth but I forgot that idea!)
A yaoi manga (Working on drawing it AND a script to it)
Script for yaoi manga
Drawings (Don't have one in my mind now though I'm trying to block the ideas to concentrate on my manga!)

And on top of that.. I'm trying to learn myself Kanji!

As said... I have no idea what I'm doing o.O My brain works to fast for my body XD Oh! I forgot! As soon as the weather gets better I gotta shoot the clothes I sewed for Loid! AND I need to start on the script for the serie I'm working on with my Luts dolls!

So we're looking for resting in about 60 years or so XD When I get my penssion or something.. THEN I can rest :P

Guess everyone feels that way o.O It's not just me XD Well! Ganbare yo minasa! (Let's do our best everyone!)

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Stress out work in!

Oboy! I'm done with everything o.o All that work I out to myself... Done! 2010 done! Damn! All that work all that stress! Now I really can relax! ... *falls asleep*

Now that all the stress is over I feel really tired. I allways do when I relax XD So half days I sleep but I'm up really late.. guess what's keeping me up? Yes! Work! I'm still working XD I've got a new project, one is coming up and I have my story and I still need to work on my novels. But I'm not that stressed anymore ^^ I'm just doing what I love. I'm working on a Shounen ai Serie, I have no idea if that is going to be o.O I mean.. My last tries at doing a serie has been a floop. But! I'm going to try ^^ I've done a little on the manuscript and I'm fone drawing the characters facial expression and now I'm gonna draw them as a presentation picture(I don't know if you get that but you're not gonna see them anyway so that's ok XD) After that I'm gonna start with the serie!

And yeah! Everything is done! So my site is active again ^^ I've changed everything! And there's new pictures and a new novel up ^^ And you remember that preview I was talking about XD? All is up! You should watch it!