Tuesday 20 September 2011

Sewing day in and day out

Hi everybody! Have you missed me ^^? *paus for everyones screams* ALL RIGHT! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything here o.o Or at my movieblog.. I have reason for the movieblog however ^^ I have worked my ass off all day for a month! So I haven't had the time to see new movies. Well.. I saw that.. Not without my daughter but that was based off a true story so write about that seemed out of place o.o So I couldn't write about that... But it seems that I'm having more time now so... Hopefully soon, this week, I'll have a new movie to write about.

Why I haven't written here: Because I don't have anything to write o.o Nothing is happening in my life (I know that seems unlikely but it's true o.o) I'm just sewing, eating and sleeping.. EVERY DAY! Just sewing, eating and sleeping. Sewing, eating and sleeping... Nothing else is happening! So to write about that seemed compeletly pointless! ... Since I'm writing it on my FB XD Haha! But yeah...

So this is what I've been doing:
Four shirts, one hoodie, one skirt, one pair of pants, two pair of underwear, one stuffed animal (Which I'm not doing again) and a bag. Every piece took three days to make and then I sew from 11 am to 1 am... I'm really tired XD

This is what I have left:
One pair of armwarmer, bedcovers (as well as a bed) and one skirt, PLUS three halloween outfits. I'm gonna learn how to sew socks too so that I have left. After that I'm gonna play some games and watch movies because I can't sew anymore for a while o.o My body is shaking because it's so tired from all the sewing!

Oh! And this is all for my BJD-dolls ^^ So you see why I haven't written here in a while XD? Why I don't have time to watch movies? Litterly when I wake up I start sewing until I go to bed. And why do I do it? Because I love it and I have a real talent for it XD So don't feel sorry for me. It's my choice to do this :P

Well.. That was my lunch... Now I'm gonna get back to my sewing :P The last shirt is done, I just need to wait for the paint to dry and now... I'm gonna begin with the skirt. Bye!

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